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A Beautiful Arising
by Super G

::- It was stated in law in Vejita-sei that no one could be copulated until there trieclipse marking them into sayainhood. These were the ancient laws of the planet no one ever broke them they were the sacred laws fallowed for thousands of years. These laws are what begins our tale. -::

He stood watching his daughter cut up Edusi-sei Onions. His Mate died after giving birth to there youngest child a girl. She was not a normal sayain. She was albino.Her tale was white her eyes were lightest blue, and her hair a faint lavender. There were very few albino sayains one born in every 100,000 sayains. It was more likely to have a super-sayain born. The population of sayains was at a high of 15,000 that year.

He sighed and sat down at a counter in there dwelling for the family. She got her mothers looks, her fathers brains and her own coloring. Her father waited as she cooked the dinner for the family which consisted of Kakarott her older brother and her father since her oldest brother Raditz moved out on his own several years ago after his trieclips. He had been mated with a wonderful sayain and had two children one 5 years old and the other 6.

The man looked at his youngest she just had her bieclips she had only 7 years left till she was of age. He didn't want his children to leave. "DAD!" screamed the lavender haired sayain. He looked up from his deep consintration. "Yes?" He asked a bit unaware of what she asked. "I asked what is the next ingrediant in the Irish-sei soup?" :::A/N What? ::::

"It apears to be several potatos mashed up." She looked suprised. "That will take forever to boil them DAD!" and she stomped her foot. He laughed a bit she remind him of Kakarott when she did that. "We have about three hours till your brother Kakarott gets home from his test."he anwsered with a smirk. She turned to the pantree to get some potatos to cook. "What kinda test?"

"It's a test to see what level you'll be stationed at if you joined the sayain-army." She lowered her brow some. "Weren't you in that once Dad?" She asked softly. "Yes now i work for the King in the science ward as you know. I was given that job after the war with The Cold-sei army after Kakarott was born 16 years ago." She nodded as she turned the stove on. "Dad, what do I have to do to be like you?" she asked looking up at her father with her bright eyes. "What do you mean."

He had hoped that she would never see her self differnt because of her coloration. "I wanna be a scientist too!" she said as he exhailed a deep breath. "Well you have to finish your training everyone has to then if you can prove to a elite class officer you can handle being a scientist for the King you get the job." She sighed a bit annoyed. "How long will that take?"

He chuckled then noticed his scouter going up. "Someone with high Ki level is here." A moment latter Kakarott entered the house with a shorter spiky haired boy about the same age. "Boy how did your test go?" Asked his father. Kakarott bowed reviling his friend that tagged along. "Prince Bejita." said the man acknowledging him for the first time. "Bardock, I see your suprised to see me." Bardock smiled his 'so-you-think-so' smile. "No sir the scouter informed a large KI was headed here I haven't seen one like that since the battle back 16 years ago."

Bejita took notice of the child playing with the dials on the stove. "Who is that!" he asked pointing to the girl. She simply turned and looked at Bejita. "I'm not a 'that' I am a girl." she stated simply. "Ahh she must be your child with no respect for royality." She cocked an eyebrow and turned her attention back to the stove. "Yes, shes my youngest shes an albino sayain, very rare as you know, rarer than the ledendary supersayain which you are sir."

Bejita smirked. "Well, Bardock this may be true, but I am not the only supersayain you for get my father is as well." Bardock Nodded then noticed his scouter picking up another Beep. He picked up the head set and adjusted to see who it was coming in. "Oh gezz, Buruma It's that Lampchop boy again." said bardock lowering his head set. "Oh NO! Hide me DAD!" she said running behind Kakarott. "Hey don't hide behind me BURUMA FIGHT YOUR OWN BATTLES!" she looked up and pouted. Kakarott rolled his eyes. "Fine just be quiet."

Bejita noticed this an dismissed it quickly. "Bardock you son informed me to day during his testing your working on the gravity chamber project?" Bardock Nodded as a short boy with wild hair in a semi molet due walked in. "Bardock can I copulate with Buruma now?" He asked hopefull. "WHAT!" Bejita screamed in shock. It was quite appeant the girl was only a child and not near her trieclips. "He does this everyday." Whispered Kakarott to Bejita. Bardock smacked his head. "Lampchop, shes too young for you I have said this too you for the last two years. Besides aren't you too young to know what copulation is?" Yamcha shruged. "Umm no?" Buruma clinged onto Kakarott tight. "GO AWAY YAMCHA HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! I DON'T LIKE YOU!" she then quickly dodged behind Kakarott.

"So son should I this time or you?" asked Bardock. Kakarott shruged. "Whatever you want dad. Bejita sat there a bit unwhere of what was going on. "FIne I'll get rid of him today." Bardock marched up to Yamcha who was held back from Buruma by his tail by Kakarott. Bardock powered up filling the kitchen up with a bright light. Buruma ran and open up the back door as Kakarott droped kicked him in Bardocks Ki blast path. And out the door Yamcha went flying.

"Darn kid you think he learn after the first time." Muttered Bardock siting back down at the counter. "So you want my gravity room Bejita?" Bejita blinked twice and turned his attention to Bardock. "You'll have to do me a favior first." Bejita was about to yell a threat at Bardock , but noticed the lavender haired girl looking up at him as she sat next to her dad eating a cookie. "I want my daughter to go through Lab-training and be able to work with me on my projects by the next arising season." Vegeta blinked. "Hey dad?" asked the girl. The father turned to his daughter. "Who's this guy?"

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Chapter 2