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Dark Dreams
Tuesday, 10 February 2004

Poor, poor tanuki. He just got fixed... he is all sleepy and stuff. Also he can't run around and play for 10 days. Its sad... Well my aim is up and running, hehe. Well i am DarkDreamer807 but my old 1 use to be stolemyBISHWOP. I like my new 1 cause i always have dark dreams that usually come true... don't ask unless u really really want to know.

I am soo bored... nothin to do. Only wait for tomorrow.


Posted by weird2/darkdream at 8:26 PM EST
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Monday, 9 February 2004
Yawn, im tired. I also want u all to know that i am working on a vampire story... when it is all done i will put it up on this so every one can look at it. Well so far i got to papers due tomorrow... both are vary importaint for me. So far the main charecter is Belle Morte (beautiful Death. Yawn, good night.


Posted by weird2/darkdream at 9:33 PM EST
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Friday, 6 February 2004
Yay, I am watching Underworld for the second time!! I love this movie, it rox! Vampires and Werewolves all in one awesome movie. The whole story rox, the way it is written and stuff. I plan on writting a story about my own vampire werewolf book, it'll hopefully kick ass like this movie.

Ok back to the more serious part...

Today was a friday so it was the last day in school of this week. I got lots of homework, i got to type up a newspaper, and write up my rough draft of my animal abuse report. I also have to do some math pages so that sux. I also hae to do some science work, oh and i need to do some studyisland stuff on math. grrr. i hate that shit.

I had to put up my homework thing so i would not forget about it. *this movie rox* I like this movie, but some parts of it are corny but i love it!! Kind of a love story too but this is as far of a love story that i will go into. ::werewolf in movie says "bite him, halfwerewolf have likein stronger than both"::

Ok Back to what really is the serious part (i hope, lol)...

Now children sit in ur seats and pull out ur text books lol. Actually i mean sit down and shut up is more like it lol. (Kool he is turning into a vampire/werewolf!!) Ok ppl i will be puttin down stuff and junk and other stuff that i think ppl should know (expecially me, curse short term mem.!!) (ok now the movie is kind of corny now, lol just a bunch of hissing and growling, lol. EWWWW, HE DREWLED ON HIM!!! i neva nodiced that before!! lol) grrr, well just so u all know i am A.D.D. so i can't concintrate well, which sux. (EWWW, nasty deformed dude, lol, still rox though lol. I want to get contaxt like the ones dis vampire gurl has lol. no wait i want one black one and one white one. that would soo rox, just as long as they don't look dumb. The ending of this movie well some parts of it sux but other parts rox. awell i like it U GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT!?!?! lol) Ha, that was a long one.

Well now the movie is over sooo now it is time for mad tv!! ::guy spazes on the tv:: lmao. Wow this has to be the most i have ever typed on my own free mind, kool more is goin on in my head than wat i thought. I rIdE tHe ShOrT bUs muhuwahaha. Ok back to normal. lol, kind of. I got a lot of free time on my hands really i plan on writing FREE TIME on my hands me and Jessica P r gonna do that. if u all want to u can do it too, yay.

lol, i am talkin alot. lol, i am talkin alot more than i do in school. Haha, i have to take a pill that sux, cause it makes me gloomy and boring and i get sooo bored but i can't do anything about it cause the stuff don't were off until (sry i am a fan of typ-oz) after school.

Well ppl it is time for me to go and give u freedom from my stupidity. Well before u go u might want to check out the stuff that i know about gossip and junk below. Just so u all can get some junk of stuff that u should know. So check down there so u can see my rulez and how u can't get on this, muhuwahaha.

Peace out,


Ok now this is the part that will be up on every post that i put up. I think u all will like htis stuff...


-ok u got to be a stick in the mud not to know that Julie and Natalie are not chattin' cauze they hate each other

-Julie and Ben go out

-Jess-e G got asked out by some person, she turned him down. Then she asked a guy out to the dance (wow jess-e ur getting around u hiper little thing u, lol) he said yes and now they r gonna be at the dance

-Natalie got a call from a modilin' agency to go for an interview, GOOD LUCK NAT!!!

-ppl r all pissed for some reason, COULD SOME PPL LET ME KNOW!!!

-Ok, Jess (not jess-e not jessica) and whit got their ears perced up high on the ear in school in the hall way. Good job guys why don't u just go in the middle of the office and do that!?!? it sure would make every thing alot betta and quicker!!!

-Suzie S got a bear from whit's cousin, but me and nat have seen that bear in whit's room!! Sry but this is gossip junk. Don't hurt me!! plus suzie won't be back for a week, sooo. U betta get dis all right with me or i will just keep postin this up, tell me the truth whit and i will take this down!

*New Hampshire-69ing vermont!! lol

Ok ppl i want to know about gossip stuff sooo tell me!! but if u don't want to be on this then... Tell me... ex. "Amanda I ________ but don't tell anyone!!" But their is a loop hole! If someone else tells me that or i overhear it i will still put it up!! MUHUWAHAHA


Ok, bye every 1

Posted by weird2/darkdream at 6:21 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 6 February 2004 6:34 PM EST
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