Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil... BUT FUCK YOU MY FRIEND!

What's up, this is Dan Chi's House of Fun. Yeah, since I obviously know that NO ONE is going to BUY the Benevolent Negro/THC/SxGxK split, I'm most likely just gonna host it on here like always. Yeah go me, music for the people, for the boners, and for the people. Uh oh, the elevator is out, looks like I'm gonna have to juuuuuuump... Yes those are mondo nugs popping out of every orifice my face has. New THC song up, "Where's The Back Up" it's in my profile on "matthewleskosex".

Current Bands All One Man

Shameless plugs to other local web sites, you'd better re-link, assholes....

Avi Young
Jt Hundley

Email: adannychi@yahoo.com