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The randomness of me....
Fri, Oct 28 2005

Sitting at school, waiting for my last class, then I have to wait for a meeting with my Dynamics group. Always sitting around being bored. That dynamics project is going to be great fun, let me tell you. We gotta build something that somehow launches/hits a golf ball 50 yards, bonuses for getting w/in 5 feet or something like that. Shouldn't be too bad to build. I gotta call about my bow today, and get my next payment done on that. I hope to have it by the end of November at the latest. I want to get out and start shooting archery more, and with a new bow, that will give me a great excuse to do that. I want to start doing archery at least once a week, hopefully more especially during the not as busy times.

Posted by Brad at 12:25 PM MDT
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Thu, Oct 27 2005

Here I am still sitting at school, bored, waiting for my next class. I did fix my crawler last night... Well rebuilt the shocks, and today I redid my links to help give me a little bit more axle clearance. I don't know if it will help my crawling abilities at all. My MSE class really sucks ass, started the homework today and have no idea what it is even asking.

Posted by Brad at 5:40 PM MDT
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Wed, Oct 26 2005

I have reason to believe that alcohol causes ADD. I am buying a new bow too, that is kind of exciting. Not the cheapest new toy, but a fun one. I like shooting archery, and this is going to make it even more fun. I can't wait until I get it, I think I am going to go on a major shooting kick until I get bored of it. I posted a bunch more pictures of my crawler today. Still nothing broken on that other than a servo case, and its been majorly abused.

Posted by Brad at 12:07 PM MDT
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Fri, Oct 14 2005

So its been a couple months since I have updated this, or anything on my website for that matter. I did put up a new page today though. Its got some pictures of my RC crawler, which is badass. Got some pics of it with the new Dodge Powerwagon body. Custom painted, and looks awesome.

Posted by Brad at 10:35 PM MDT
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Fri, Aug 26 2005

Its been a while, but since school has started I have some more time to update this site. I have a few breaks in the day that I spend time in the computer labs.

I have started building a 2.2 rc rock crawler. Hopefully within the month it will be finished. That would be fun. A bit expensive to build, but once finished should be cheap to maintain. And it gives me something to do at work, when things are slow.

Posted by Brad at 10:50 AM MDT
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Wed, Jul 13 2005

I am not good at updating this... I really really really suck at updating this. I need to remember to do this more often. Worked today, work 4 days a week now... instead of 2. Monday, wednesday, thursday, and saturday, come visit me sometime.

Posted by Brad at 11:01 PM MDT
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Thu, Jul 7 2005

Its been almost a month since I've done anything in this. But who really cares.

Posted by Brad at 11:37 PM MDT
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Mon, Jun 13 2005

So its been a while since I updated this, me no remember good no more. I got my hair cut today after 8 months of growing it out. It is kinda weird feeling, its colder, and I no longer have all that hair, I kind of miss it right now. I think I am going to grow it out again, I kinda like it longer. Nothing else is really happening, I'm kinda getting my micro running again, mostly just to have something to mess around with in the shop and that. And to do some speed runs with like 8 and 10 cells.

Posted by Brad at 10:47 PM MDT
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Wed, Jun 1 2005

Got my computer up to 3.6 Ghz stable, I think. I'm gonna test it tonight. Its seems to be hitting a wall, and i think my powersupply might be the problem, oh well. I'm done spending money on this computer though. Time to start saving for the next one. A RC car is also in the picture so I'm gonna need money for that too.

Posted by Brad at 11:26 PM MDT
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Tue, May 31 2005

I finished my watercooling project finally. It took two days of working on it, but its finally done. I need to get a new fan controller though, this fan controller is not making the cut with these high powered fans. In other news, there is none... I have no life

Posted by Brad at 10:00 PM MDT
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Mon, May 23 2005

The camping trip was fun, I shot a lot of archery, way too much, was sore as hell later. It was still fun though. Felt nice not to have to work saturday. But I do miss not getting paid. I ordered all the final parts for my watercooling today, should have everything by the end of this week, Monday I'll start tearing apart my computer and modding it so everything will fit. And then I should have a cooler running computer for the summer. as well as bragging rights on it.

Posted by Brad at 10:38 PM MDT
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Wed, May 18 2005

I suck ass at updating this. I'm going camping this weekend that should be good. I gotta get a few thing together for that, but it should be fun stuff. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day though, hopefully work is somewhat slow so I can rest there if nothing else. I got saturday off, that is another bonus, I like working there but saturdays are crazy sometimes, not last saturday though, that was slow as shit. Come visit me sometime.

Posted by Brad at 11:00 PM MDT
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Wed, May 11 2005


Ok, anyways. Its been a few days since I've done anything here. In a couple weeks I'll do some work on this site, until then, you get nothing. I've been out of school for a while, and I need another job now, having money is a good thing, especially since I lost my scholarship. Other than that, the new car has like 1060 miles on it. It has slowed down a lot since school let out.

Posted by Brad at 11:56 PM MDT
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Thu, May 5 2005

Its been a while since I've updated, this. So I'm done with finals now, so now i'm done with school, forever. Now I got a lot of time on my hand, now all I need is money. I'll start working on my case in the next few days maybe. I kind of need the rest of my watercooling stuff before I can begin though. I have all but one order sitting in my room as we speak though.

Posted by Brad at 10:22 PM MDT
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Wed, Apr 27 2005

Someone needs to stop wasting my text and minutes... ;), just kidding. Tomorrow is no school, that is great, next 4 school days I have finals though, that sucks. Tomorrow is work again, that should be slow if its still raining.

Posted by Brad at 11:56 PM MDT
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