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Just some random photos..
Click the stars for the pics! The most recent are at the bottom

1.Courtney and Ronald

2.Kel jumping in dumpster downtown

3. Courtney and fire hydrant

4. Kel attacking someones ass with a hand puppet

5. Kel in McD's tunnel

6. Kel

7. Kel and Ronald

8. Courtney on Spruil sign

9. Kel attacking shana

10. Kel and Corky with dolls

11. Them with dolls again

12. Shana

13. Kira

14. Kel and Kira's cat

15. Kel and Rick

16. Kelly and Rick again

17. Craig and Shana

18. One of Kelly's doodles

19.Old pic of Kel (she was trying to sleep)

20. Adrienne and Courtney

21. Somewhat old low quality pic of Kel

22. Another doodle by Kelly

23. Kel and her bro sleeping on the trampoline in MI (nice pajama pants huh?)

24. Nick O.

25. Kel and Cork jumping up to give each other high fives at the beach (Adrienne in back)

26. Hilarious picture of Courtney

27. POOP!!! (This Really is poop were warned)

28. Corky in the balls at Chuck E Cheese

29. Again, Courtney in the balls

30. Corky in the tunnel at Chuck E Cheese

31. Chuck E Cheese

32. Kira in the balls

33. Kira playing a game

34. Chuck E Cheese's still

35. Courntey and some Girl

36. Courtney

37. Courtney on Turtle

38. Kelly

39. Kelly and some little girl

40. Kel on the turtle

41. Kipa

42. Courtney and Kel at the fair last year

43. Courtney and Kel (kind of old pic)

44. Kelly's brother Ryan and his prom date Jacky

45. Kelly in her Graphic Communications class in December

46. Kelly, Meagan, Christina, and Laura at the Hanahan Parade with little..balls in their shirts (VICA club)

47. Kelly

Walmart Raid