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The Transfer Student At Hogwarts

Author: Dragon8Rider
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Action/Adventure/Horror/Mystery
Ships: None
Summary: There is a new student at Hogwarts who is very mysterious...
Skip to chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 coming soon!

Disclaimer #1: No copyright infringement is intended. The author is not J.K. Rowling (as far as I know) and does not own anything related to Harry Potter characters, ideas, or locations. The only thing the author owns is their own story, characters, and ideas.
Disclaimer #2: This is the original state of the story sent into me. I didn't change anything at all, just copied and pasted it here. Any spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, or any other errors are completely and totally the author's fault, not mine.

Students and Parents/Guardians:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has made a slight change in the schedule. Instead of having the usual two houses for a class, there will be one-fourth of students from every house attending one class. I hope this does not prove as an inconvienience for you.

Albus Dumbledore
Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

The commotion in the great hall was louder than normal. Word was in that there was going to be a new transfer student. She was already a fifth year student and about 15 years old, and according to the rumor going around: very strange. It was how she got transferred, even if it was only for a year, for rumor, it was so she could learn a new lesson.

"Who do you think this mysterious new girl is, a demon?" Harry turned to ask Ron who simply shrugged his shoulders and replied,

"I don't know, maybe she was 'oribbly disfigured at birth and was teased so much they had to send her here so she could actually learn. If that's the case-I hope she doesn't end up with Draco in Slytherin." He said in his thick British accent.

"You both are looking at it the wrong way. She is probably an over achiever and they need to send her here so she could be challenged." Hermione cut in.

"Of course you would think that, then you would wish she was in Gryffindor so she cold study and such with you." Harry replied.

"It's just obvious that she is probably not challenged enough so she has to come here and-" Hermione was cut off as the new first years started to arrive being led by Professor McGonagall, behind them was a new student that towered over the first years. She had long black hair, very pale skin, ice blue eyes, skinny, and looked around her nervously as she kept her pace behind the first year students. The girl was wear a typical uniform: A plaid skirt that went down a little past her knees, a black vest with a white blouse underneath and a long black robe. Both Ron and Harry immediately ruled out their theories. Hermione glared at them and gave them one of those smug 'I told you so' grins. The ordering of the new students went fast and the old hat's song was different then before, but the new girl didn't seem all that impressed and even bit her lip to keep from saying something when it said " I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me". She wasn't ordered yet.

"Alright everyone. I don't know how but word has crept out that there is a new transfer student. Well there is. Her name is Katrina DelaVon, and she will be treated with respect." Professor McGonagall said as she glared at the students over her half moon glasses. "Katrina, come here please and put on the hat." She said and smiled at the girl, even though the smile was strained and false, Katrina bowed her head gracefully and did as she was told.

It was long moments before the hat spoke again, the entire time Hermione was crossing her fingers and hoping it would be Gryffindor, however, her hopes proved false. "Ravenclaw" the hat bellowed at last- Hermione hit her head on the table, and the table of Ravenclaw erupted in cheers. Katrina did not smile but strode gracefully toward the table and found herself a seat.

The meal went along as usual a meal sprung up and the first years gasped in surprise, but Katrina still was unimpressed. She sat up straight in her chair and ate very little, only water and some seafood.

"That's a strange girl alright, look she's not eatin' a thing." Ron said pointing, his mouth full of barbequed chicken wings.

"Well, maybe she just doesn't wan to get fat." Hermione replied still sore about Katrina not being in Gryffindor, "I should go talk to her later. In the halls."

"But, she's not in Gryffindor, and she's new. You know nothing about her and yet you want to meet her. Why?" Harry said. "What makes you think she is going to be so perfect."

"I don't!" Hermione yelled in retort, so loud in fact a few people turned to stare at her, from across the room and the entire hall fell silent, Hermione blushed and resumed poking at her food pretending to eat, the hall turned back to normal. "It's just that, how do you know she's not? I mean it's not like she's evil right? I just have this compelling urge to run up to her and be her friend. I can't explain why, I just do."

"I think I know what you mean." Harry said, "Have you noticed that she is so quiet, she hasn't spoken a word since she has got here, I know she probably is just one of those quiet people but I always get this creepy feeling when I look at her. At least right after she got ordered I started to realize I got a creepy feeling when she I looked at her."

"Or even if you look into her eyes. They remind me of the sea or ocean. And when you add that to the fact that she's only eating seafood and only drinking water." Ron had finally got his mouth emptied (and a few plates of food) and let the end of the sentence hang in the air as he looked at the two of them with a curious expression, "Hmmmmm, I think we should be playing spy on her." There was silence for a while.

"Oh come on you two," Hermione said breaking the silence, "it's just a girl, get over it. However, I think we should play spy on her. To find out exactly why she is here, at the least."

Katrina smiled. She heard the entire conversation. She pulled back her magic from the air to continue poking at her food. A boy at the table who was trying to make her laugh though she smiled at him and his jokes. "Hey, there we go, a smile!" encouraged he started to do a hilarious victory dance. Katrina instantly sobered and her face darkened, the boy stopped got wide eyed, took a deep breath and sat back down on the bench. Katrina smoothed her face back to one of calm and took a swig of water. Dumbledore did his normal speech, stay out of the Forbidden Forest and the Student Hours and such. Katrina made a mental note to explore the Forbidden forest after hours in the dark alone. She wasn't afraid of the dark, nor any animals that lurked there. She also made a mental note to speak to theses 'spies' that are being spied upon themselves. They were in for a surprise.

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