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THIS SITE HAS MOVED (because I hate!

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If you don't read all of my stuff and like it, you're totally gonna get SARS. I promise.

4/28/03 UPDATE! I just returned from my train trip around the U.S. and Canada. I'll be putting up a page on it once I get the pics developed. In other news, I'm publishing my Retchfield and Crynge shortnovella/longshortstory thing. Read it. It's FREE!

5/24/03 UPDATE - The Retchfield and Crynge story has been published at!
It's published in issue #4 of their ezine Weird Space
You can directly link to it here if you like:

5/26/03 ANOTHER UPDATE - The story has also been published/hosted on Cyberpunk: Project Jericho under Online Stories

The Heavy Handed Adventures of Retchfield and Crynge (PDF (Adobe Acrobat) Version)

The Heavy Handed Adventures of Retchfield and Crynge (RTF (M$ Word) Version)

Here's a crappy short story I wrote.
Analysis of a Name Drop Drunken Orgy

And some essays I wrote that I think are okay.
False Dichotomies of Interpretation: Borges’ Intentional Labyrinths of Criticism
Atemporal Metaphors: Jungian Archetypes in the "Book of Urizen"
I, Tituba's Postmodern Technique as Historical Subversion

All works copyleft by Me, 2003. Peace.

Web Sites That Don't Suck
Infoshop (news)
AK Press
Apocalypse Fiction/Weird Space
Look up my poetry sometime
My Friend Lucas
My brother's site
Cyberpunk: Project Jericho
Struggle Site (Irish history)
Postmodern Culture (scholarly webzine)
Game Studies (scholarly webzine about video games (weird, huh?))
No Media Kings