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Freya's Lounge
A Chobits Shrine - Version 1.2: Desending Darkness

3/24/04 - Added a character page today. The links don't go anywhere yet though, so don't bother trying them. Got a picture for most of the characters, and I'll try to get the ones I don't have soon. No promises though... you know me.

3/6/04 - I found something wrong with the codes for the quiz results, so if you took the quiz (and posted the reults), please repost them. The background was put on all the pages, and a little scroll bar if the page's text is bigger than the background. Isn't it cool?! I also moved the manga information from the summary page, and put it on its own, very special, page. It's been added to the menu.

3/5/04 - I can't believe that it's taken me this long to only do this much... I finished the quiz, so hopefully things will slowly speed up from here on out. I just feel so lazy all the time... Oh well - now you have your quiz, so we can all go home happy. School starts up again Monday... now that's a depressing thought...

12/30/03 - Almost the end of the year. *sigh* Ive been really busy lately... sorry. I did manage, however, to halfway finish the quiz. I linked two of the four possible answers. Yay for me.

12/7/03 - Fixed the background. Yay. Thats super exciting, huh. I can just see you leaping around in joy. Can't finish the quiz today. I have to get off the computer soon to do homework and stuff. Thats the bad thing about Sundays... you have school the next day...

12/6/03 - Oooooooh... pretty background. Doesn't quite fit the color scheme, but oh well. I'll fix it soon. I really need to finish the quiz. But I'm so lazy... *sigh* what to do, what to do...

11/30/03 - I added a summary/review of Chobits. I would also have added a bunch of pictures, but my computer was being stupid and making the images all blurry when I tried to save them. Oh well. I'll try to finish the quiz soon, but I'm so lazy...

11/11/03 - Yahoo! I got the menu to work! It took a long time to find a working menu code to steal. ^_^ Not that I stole the site of course... just how to make the menu... Anyway... here you are - my beautiful answers-not-finished quiz. I'll finish it soon and get around to actually creating and doing something with this site. YAY! ^_^