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The following suggested internet sites are meant to be a comprehensive guide to finding out information about your chosen topic.  However, additional sources, such as other web sites, magazines, your textbook, the Merck Index, the newspaper, and other sources are acceptable. In your presentation you must cite all sources used.  Make sure you OK your topic with me before beginning.

How Aerosol Cans Work


How Atom Smashers Work

How Atomic Clocks Work

How Batteries Work

How Biological and Chemical Warfare Works


How Black Lights Work


How Bread Works


How Breathalyzers Work


How Bunker Busters Work


How C-4 Works


How Camera Flashes Work


How CAT Scans Work


How Compasses Work


How Composting Works


How Corrective Lenses Work


How Dry Cleaning Works


How Electric Cars Work


How Electromagnets Work


How Exploding Manholes Work


How Fire Extinguishers Work


How Fire Works


How Fireworks Work


How Fluorescent Lamps Work


How Force, Power, Torque and Energy Work


How Freeze-Drying Works


How Fuel Cells Work


How Fuel Processors Work


How Gas Masks Work


How Hair Coloring Works


How Helium Balloons Work


How Instant Film Works


How Landfills Work


How Light Bulbs Work


How Light Microscopes Work


How Light Sticks Work


How Light Works


How Luminol Works


How Metal Detectors Work


How Mirages Work


How Moissanite Jewels Work


How Mummies Work


How Nicotine Works


How Nuclear Bombs Work


How Nuclear Power Works


How Nuclear Radiation Works


How Oil Refining Works


How Photographic Film Works


How Radar Works


How Radio Works


How Radon Works


How Semiconductors Work


How Smoke Detectors Work


How Stone Lithography Works


How Tattoo Removal Works


How Tattoos Work


How X-Rays Work


As I am sure you have noticed, all of these links lead to Once you choose a topic above then please make sure I OK it, and mark down in my book that you have chosen this topic. It is first come first serve. Notice also at the end of the topic there are plenty of other links about the topic. Also try and search yahoo or another search engine to find more links.


Powerpoint Help Sites:


·           PowerPoint Help Site 1


·           PowerPoint Help Site 2


·           Microsoft PP Official Help Site


·           Yahoo search result for “PowerPoint tutorial help”
