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The Bored Generation

Temple of Mark

Pure Chaos: Fast Way to the Stories!

Upgraded 6/26/02: See what's New.

" Work like you don't need the money, love like your heart has never been broken and dance like no one is watching." and " I don't have issues I am an issue!!"

Ok here is the welcome note from GIEGIE: (Dear God how boring.) Welcome! This is my web page that leads to my little part of Chaos. My Stories. My Ideas. My Craziness. OH this may be fun!

So you people may think you understand me now. (Hey I like to pretend I am different even if some say I am.) But no one fully understands a person. If you think you do.......You don’t. If your honest and say you don’t .......well you still don’t. I am many things. But mostly I'm are dreamer. (Hey I can't help the fact I live in a dream vs. reality world.)And like a famous writer said, “A dream held is a dream remembered. And that’s the dream that will lead you to who you are. It will lead you to who you want to be.” I’m still trying to figure "who I want to be". But at least I have my dream and it turns out great.

To my dear friends: You guys are the best. I love the fact that you tell me every day that if I don’t write the next chapter soon you will all pencil me in for a beating. I’m touched guys. Really I am. I’m just glad someone cares. So you may all tell your contract killers to back off now. I’m working my hardest to get the chapters out to you all.

To new people: Boy did you take a wrong turn. No I’m glad you are reading my stuff.

To Lizzy my dear sister and Co-Host: Thank you so much for forceing me to get a site up. Not much but good for now. Thanks much for reading over my stories for the errors and being my personal spellchecker.




Kit Lamb

OK here is the welcome note from Lizzy: (Ok sounds cooler then GieGie's)

Hello, You shall unlock this site with the key of imagination,; behind its homepage is another dimension; a dimension of sight, a dimension of sound, a dimension of the mind. You're entering into a land of both shadow and substance; of things and ideas.

This site leaves behind all that is known to the sane, sensible and level headed. Its inhabitants are of seven people; GieGie, Liz, Mark, Lane, Josh, Karren and Jake.

The ability to understand lies within your hands alone. You must first be open minded and the rest shall follow. Give everything that you read a chance and attempt to see where all of us come from; although complete understanding shall never exist. If all else fails just simply accept it as we say it.

GieGie is our astounding writer, Liz is the editor and Mark is our god. Lane and Josh are the voices in GieGie's Head. Karren and Jake are the ones that speak to me.

Now that you've gotten the just of what you're about to encounter you must make a decision: to enter into the site or not? ( hmmmmmmmmm ) A word to the wise, once you've started reading there's no going back. So now I invite you to enter our world if you dare; a world where anything can, has, and shall happen. So ,without further ado, as you click your mouse, if you feel capable, I would like to announce and welcome you............................................................................................. .......................... You are now entering into THE BORED GENERATION.