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BSMO: Banana Squishing Monkey Organization

BSMO was created by my good friend ronny6 and myself, kiwwi_bunny. No that are not our real names, but I don't want to put those on this site so we shall be ronny6 and kiwwi_bunny.
Anywhoozle, BSMO was created on a plesant March day and we were pondering were banana juice came from. You see bananas don't give off that much juice but you always see Orange Banana Mango juice. So we decided that we would have to create BSMO.
In BSMO monkeys get into a big barrel and squish bananas to get juice. THis is NOT animal abuse it's like their day job... Anyway the CEO is the BSMO monkey. There is also The Flying Jester whos orgin is unknown and the Flying Pig whos picture was on my sock. :D

This website is created to hold stuff. Not all necesarily BSMO related but I would like to keep it close. I've been learning a bit about HTML and would like to use this as a "practise site" if you will. I except it will look better and better as time goes on and should end up quite least I hope so!
I will have some pages that will be BSMO theame pages. I currently only have a Christmas one but more should come later.
I will also have a couple of pages with random thoughts that I get. As you will eventually see they are quite bizarre. It was me, afterall, who wondered were banana juice comes from. :)

BSMO's frist premade website | Home of the BSMO spapers (Neopets) | Christmas Theame | Why must Angelfire be so cool?