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My name is Ben. Welcome to my head. Arn't you glad you came? This is a place with...stuff in it. So here's the deal, come in, have fun if you can, and most imprtant of all, SEND ME IDEAS!!!! At the moment, it would probably take you about five minuets to see absolutly everthing on my site. My address is currently I'm mainly into sound editing, and I have some great stuff I'd want to put on here...but the directions for how to put a .wav on a page are just a little less than helpful. If (by some miraicle) you have any idea how to put a .wav on angelfire home pages, TELL ME! It would make this site so much more fun!!! This site is constantly under construction. Here are some things I WANT to put on this page sometime in the near future:The Mighty Morphin' Sales Tax Representitives (One of my many failed stupid bands) Dignified Physco (A cool short story my friend wrote) (Ok, so I made up the name) Like I said, send me ideas if you got em', have fun! Oh, by the way, I took a quiz at, and it said I was most like a certain character. If curiosity stricks you, you can find out which one by clicking 'My Spider Man Thing'. Oh boy. The suspence is killing me. THIS SITE WAS LAST UPDATED NOVEMBER 8th, 2002.

Meet the crew:

Stuff From Ben's Head

Weenie Da Drummer
Acquire The Fire
We Talk
And Now...A Quote...
My Spider Man Thing
Made In Japan
