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get this gear!

get this gear!
Brian hasn't gone any where lately but the pictures from last trip are still up.
I have some old pictures that I put up. It is kind of hard to get constant pictures of me since I am the one behind the camera. We have started a new batch so I should have to newer ones next month.
Picture day was here and gone check out the clothes that he picked out. Has this kid gone taste or What!
Come and see Vicki's School and take a look at the teacher that she has.
Fur Faces
These are my really cool (stupid) cats. They are great. They are also onery and very needy but we love them dearly. Come and see what silly thing they have done next.

Breaking News!!

Hey there. I know that it has been a long time since I have done any changes to the website. I got really busy with the holidays and had a hard time keeping up with the website. Sorry, but it has been on the bottom of my list of things to get done. Hopefully I will get this thing back up and running again with different pics and lots of information. Jami made me a really cool web page that details my weight loss for anyone who wants to take a peek at pics of how well I am doing. That is a Jami thing though because I figured that if I was having a hard time keeping up with what I had already I shouldn't add to it. She has done an awsome job though, much better than I would have done. Everybodies news is going to been on individual pages. That way you only read about who you want to read about. Just remember that for Brian there is never going to be much listed there.

Love Kate

Jami's Creations