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It's ME! and you found ME!

My School Schedual (i'm so exciting... i know)

Well.... you've found my SECRET site... lol (it's not really ALL THAT secret, or else how did you FIND IT?!?!) umm... ya as you may have noticed... i haven't updated it... since ... well... ever. It's the first time i've ever updated it... and you all should be so proud of me! ummm... ya i dont have anything to say really... so this whole update was a little pointless. new sem just started... chem is looking promising... you know why... and if you don't... then you don't. THAT's IT... !

My Favorite Web Sites

NICE clothes!... wish i had them
Rest of my Site
Shout Outz (sorri not everybody's there yet... i'm working on it!!)