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Here you will find the images of ghosts/spirits/unknowns that I have captured, or other people have captured, strange noises I have recorded, and noises that others have recorded. With the following images and such I am not trying to convince you that the paranormal exists. These are just images that I have tried and tried to find logical explanations for and have failed.

One of the most basic physical laws of the universe is the conservation of energy law. The law states that energy can not be created or destroyed. It can only change to a different kind of energy. Our bodies are pretty much a massive storage place of potential energy waiting to be released to do the task of making our bodies function. When a physical body ceases to exist the stored energy has to go somewhere (remember, energy can not be created or destroyed). The energy that now has been thrust into surplus hangs around waiting to be absorbed by a greater energy source or to be "used" . It is the "waiting energy" that forms what we call the spirit or ghost. The greater energy source I mentioned is thought of by some of the Christian Faith to be what they refer to as God.
This energy that is hanging around waiting, can manifest to any number of types by the very physical laws of the universe that prove it exists. At times this energy can change into types of energy that we can see as visible light in the forms of ghosts, orbs, and the like.
Just because we can not see the energy all the time does not mean it is not there. As humans we tend to rationalize that if we can't see it, it's not real. Nothing is further from the truth. Even if we by chance happen to be looking at the right place at the right time as a certain area of energy changes into a visible light energy we tend to dismiss it. After all, it's not something we totally understand with the five senses we trust to tell us what something is.
Now that you are totally confused I invite you to experience a entirely different world of the unknown with the following things.

Vina Rae's Grill and Graze Ghost Hunt 2005 in Avard, OK

The Latest Cam Captures

The lady who caught this image in Sept. of '04 captured it on the pediatrics floor of the abandoned hospital in Oklahoma City. The red circle on the left I don't have a clue about but in the yellow circle on the right of the image certainly has the shape of a teddy bear. If this is indeed a "spirit"/energy source or what ever you choose to call it, it is possible that the energy took the form of what it was most familiar with. Keep in mind this is the pediatrics floor and a very young child could easily have been only familiar with images of a Teddy Bear and didn't have a grasp on what humans looked liked before passing away. With that, I leave you again to draw your own conclusion. One more quick note about the picture. The white object on the piano keyboard is a volley ball. It was placed there by the research team members to see if it would attract anything and it has worked rather well.

Capture by Tigerwoman and Lacewing

This one made my skin crawl a little. The red circled inset on the right is an enlarged area of the one on the left. This floor was the geriatrics ward. What more can be said?

Capture by an unknown board member.

I know nothing about where this next picture came from. They just say it was taken of an old abandoned house on "murderer's road". It could be just a chance happening of nature or.......

Image from
Don't see it? Neither did I at first. Look to the right side of the building a little below the roof line and see if you see the scarecrow face looking around the corner. My first thought was that it was just someone playing a joke but that is one tall person if it was.

In the yellow circled area of this capture it is obvious something is there. The cameras at the hospital of OKCGC are set to refresh every 15 seconds. The shape was not there 15 seconds before this picture capture and it was not there 15 seconds later. If you will notice, the shape is not casting a shadow from the light behind it so it is not solid.
Capture by angelsong21

This image was captured by sallie72. In the red circle at the end of the hallway there is what looks like a man. I first questioned the size of the figure as being too large until a friend reminded me of an untrue comment I made in the scarecrow picture above. My friend explained to me that spirits/visible energy sources, or whatever term you use, are not bound by the physical restraints as a human body is. They can appear larger than life or than can appear tiny or they take on a different shape all together.

This image circled in yellow could be a surface anomalism or just the head and upper torso being visible. What I can see in the image looks like fairly clear facial features including a balding head, a light colored shirt, skinny neck tie, and shoulders.

Image captured by angelsong21

I'm not one to say for certain what is in the pictures I post here. I leave that purely up to you to decide. In the red circle of these next to captures is what appears to be a face on the floor. The RTM that was sitting in that spot had been getting colder and colder all night long. Naturally she covered herself with a blanket. When the sitdown was over and the blanket was removed the images of the face could be seen in the area that was hidden by the blanket.

Image captured by KenC

You might take note that in the capture below the chair she had been sitting in is now gone from the area so that rules out shadows from her chair.

Image captured by KenC

I hesitated for awhile before posting this next cam capture simply because I was trying to find a reasonable explaination for it. Since I can't come up with one I decided to post it. The red circled area at the back of the hallways is one of the Research Team Members. The yellow circle is the strange part. It appears there is a child standing there with the RTM. However, to keep a child from possibly creating "contamination" of any research data taken, children are not allowed at the hospital during research nights and very rarely during days when an RTM is at the hospital. There were no children present during the time this cam capture was made. Well, at least not children that are still living.

Image captured by Samandia

Now this one just looks too cool to not post. It's nothing paranormal just an extremely lucky cam capture that shows light in motion. There was a thunder storm around the hospital the night this was captured. The cam capture just happened to be taken just as the flash from a lightening strike filtered into the hallway where the cam is. Like I said, it's nothing paranormal it just looks really cool.

Image captured by Jo03091982

I'm sure this picture is explainable by it being a matter of loose plaster and shadows but it certainly looks like a womans face on the wall to the left of the doll in the chair. This capture was the final image of the cam before they shut it off.

Image captured by KenC

Once again the image of a child shows itself at the hospital. This capture was taken the night of 27 May 2005. There were no children present but it appears one is in the red circled area at the end of the hallway.

Image captured by Jamxmail

This is an animated image of what appears to be a face in the window captured on 6/21/05. This window is at the hospital above ground level. I tried to find some kind of explaination for it but failed. In order for anyone to look in that window they would have to be using a ladder and no evidence of a ladder being placed there could be found. I captured several images of that same window during various times of the day to see if there could any explaination for it. I found nothing. I apologize to the person who created this animation. I did not write down your name and can not find the orginal post of it.

The enlarged areas in this one are from the white box further back in the image. It looks like there is a baby chewing on it's fist. I'll leave that for you to decide what it is.

Image captured by deege

This picture shows what appears to be a 3 dimensional face and perhaps upper torso coming out of the wall in the circled area.

Image captured by Kimbers

This one pretty much speaks for itself but just in case you are blind, there appears to be the figure of a man or the like walking at the end of the hallway. In his hand looks to be a rolled up paper or the like.

Image captured by Jamxmail

One of the OKCGC Research Team Members was setting things up for that nights investigation and at the end of the hallway he appears be have been watched. He was "alone" in the hospital at the time.

Image captured by deeforme

Here are two cam captures taken about 4 months apart. They both have similar images in them. It appears someone or something is standing at the piano.

Image captured by HotelCalif

Image captured by Hush

Here is one with what appears to be a woman at the end of the hallway carrying a purse.

Image captured by mc2inGA

I have no idea about the next 9 pictures. They were sent to me via e-mail so take them for what they are worth.

This picture speaks for itself. On the left side of the picture are research team members using flashlights to see. On the right side of the picture is something else. What it is remains to be determined.

Image captured by Jamxmail

We all know about shadows and things but if you will pay attention to the shadows on the left and then look at the people in the picture you will see something VERY odd. The shadow appears to be scratching its head. No one in the picture is doing that and there is absolutely no way a shadow can be cast like that from the people there.

Image captured by Deege

Because of possible explanations of "orbs" in pictures as being dust, water droplets, and etc. I shy away from them....but here are some orb images that can not be recreated under any normal or plausible circumstances.
If an orb shows motion and everything else around it remains steady and in focus it rules out any possible dust or water contamination of the photo. Insects in motion leave and entirely different signature on photos. The following two pictures were taken by myself during the annual halloween "ghost hunt" at Vina Raes Cafe in Avard, Oklahoma during October of 2006. Paranormal activity has been documented on several occasions by different experienced paranormal investigation teams. These are the types of photos that skeptics hate to see because they can not explain them. The areas within the red box show the orbs in motion.

Everything you see on this page is exactly as I have captured them or as I have have found them on other sites. If an image is used from a website I make every effort to give credit where credit it due for the image.