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4| | | The 411| | |3

FuLL nAmE: Barbara Jayne Cantero
NiCkNamEs: Ahh so many (thanks to Marc C.)... Barbie, Beano, Barb, Barbo
DOB: 071682
eThNIcITy:some people say I look mestiza, but I'm 100% pinAy
LoCatIOn: SUNNY San Diego
sChoOL: UC Mesa...transferring to Palomar for Nursing Program
mAjOr: Nursing
LikEs: Oh whel u know...long walks on the beach...j/k! DANCE DANCE DANCE ...sometimes I catch myself dancing in front of my mirror!!! mmMMmm... SUSHI! My JOB...cuz i get to work with the cutest kids EVER (when they don't act like CHANAKS!)
DiSLikEs: I hate when people stare at my feet, not that they're whack looking, but come on I have other great ASS- sets! (yah rite!), SNAILS...traumatizing experience when I was 7, GRAPE JUICE...cuz it taste like MEDICINE! VEGGIES, except salad...TOSSED, that is! (um GROSS!)

4| | | RaNdoM ThOuGhTs oF thE DaY| | |3

[02.23.03/1106pm] So i've got 3 midterms this week... yes, 3! The wonderful world of sTatS, EnGLisH, and my favorite...ANATOMY!...onlee cuz it's the study of the human body! j/k! So you can see how my weekend went. Social life? not there. With 17 units of school load, work, family, and the boyfriend...not much time for partying and what not like i used to. I guess it's that sign of old age...or just a sign that i need to get my ass going...cuz I AM getting too old! Hmm...looks like my page is going pretty whel...i tell yah, HTML is like a whole different language! It took me forever to do this! I know there's a link to my photo gallery, don't click there...cuz i haven't done that page yet. But no worries, i'll have pictures up the midst of my studying. Whel that's it for now. I got an 800 class tomorrow...gotta leave early to get a good parking spot!

[02.24.03/647pm] So anatomy test was super easy! One lest test to stress over! Right now i had to IM everyone and their mommas to get some data for my StAts class. Looks like more ppl are at school and don't work. Then there's ppl who just sit around and do absolutely NOTHING! Ah whel what u gonna do? aight whel imma bounce... more studying to do! peace out!

[1026pm] WhAt thE GROSSNES!..."Expressing my feelings for you is difficult... I don't know where to begin... Do you still care? Is it too late?" I'm lost. I'm confused. I'm hurt."I tell yah, man! who would have thought that some ppl can just be so obssessed. As if it's not gross enuff to pledge yer love for someone, but still do after a year gone by of rejection? Sorry dae...but he's got it bad for you...KOALA NAMAN!!!

[02.25.03/920pm] It's raining, man!'s raining men! haha! Another sad gloomy day... i hate driving in the rain, cuz stupid ppl need to learn how to drive! it's already bad enough that the roads are slippery but to be on the phone while it's raining? Then you have ppl like me...who just speeds through just cuz i can. Sorry, bad habit! So, i've been trying to update my page regularly and even trying that whole xanga shit. I tell yah...everyone and their mommas are putting one up. Even I dont have that much time on my hands! (yah...keep on stroking mike and ray! j/k! love you guys!) Whel once i get this page somewhat looking good...then it's time for a new project. Yes i realize there are no pictures in my photo gallery just yet. Be patient...takes time to look good u know, except for me! ha (something u would say?!?)...gonna study YER anatomy...PAYCE! =)

pHotO gaLLeRy

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