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(PLESE DONATE SOME MONEY TO HELP KEEP MY PAGE UP *EVERY LITTLE BIT WILL HELP* Please click on the donate button between my links and the panda) My name is Lee and I am a 25-year-old male that likes to wear diapers and I am going to tell you little about myself: I was born on may 29th, 1981 in Provo Utah and I weighted 3 lbs. 6 oz and I was born three months early, which caused me to have a lot of health problems. One of my health problems was that I couldn't control my bowel movements so I would always have accidents. I was constantly in the hospital for one thing or another. When I was about 10 years old, I kept having accidents and my mom took me to see a doctor about it and he told her to try some diapers to see if that would help me control my bowels any better. (She didn't even do what the doctor told her) when I was three a neighbor sexually abused me and then everything started going downhill from there. After that nine more people sexually abused me from the age of three to 17 years old. When I turned 12, I noticed there was something happening with me because I noticed these feelings that I haven't felt before and it was toward the weirdest thing, diapers. I didn't have money or the nerves to buy any so I went to the store and went the row where the adult diapers were and I opened a package of depends and took one out and went to the restroom and put it on, after I did that I knew that my life has changed. Now I knew my life has a purpose, I can wear diapers and do what I like and don't care what people think about me. When I was 15 years old, I moved to another town and I went to the store in this town and bought me some depends and hid them in my room. One day my brother went into my room looking for something and came across my stash of diapers. He told my mom and they started searching the house and they came across my other stash and they took them upstairs and dumped them on the floor in front of my step-dad and my friend that I had a crush on and told them that they belong to me and then my mom told me that my friend was there to see me. After I came back inside my mom came and asked me why I had them and where they came from and I told her that they weren't mine that they were someone else. Then in August 1999 I was taken from my home and put into state's custody for breaking the law until May 29th 2002. While I was locked up, I told one of the staff members about my feelings toward diapers and they told me that it wasn't good for me and it was the reason that I broke the law and they told me that it was a fetish and I need to stop thinking about it. Every time I tried to stop thinking about diapers' because very depressed and I thought that my life was ruined and I tried to hang myself, but the thought of my family made me stop, and I went and told one of the staff members that I was just thinking of killing myself and they put me on suicide watch, and then when I saw a doctor. He told me that I suffer from major depression and they put me on medications. When the state finally let me out of state custody. I went home to find out that my step-dad didn't want me to live there because when I left my mom found a lot of used adult diapers in my room. So I moved to where my neighbor used to live and I bought me some adult diapers and I wore them whenever I thought I wouldn't be caught with one on, then I had to move out after living there for two months, and I left the rest of the diapers that I had there because I still had stuff there and my neighbor found them and threw them away. Right now I am thinking of telling someone about my feeling toward adult diapers and telling them that when I don't have any that I feel depressed, lonely because being sexually abused for all them years told me that nobody loves me and they just use me for their sexual feel goods, and not wanted. On March 21st, 2003, I went to my attorney's office and found out that the guy that sexually abused me got more time before he goes to trail and that got me really depressed that the system lets people like this out still with out nothing happening to them, and that made me want the diapers more and if there anyone that could help with anything please do. If you want to contact me please send it to If you have any questions about this website please send to If you have any questions for me please send them to, and for a broken link and/or a comment please send to For anything else send to You can also contact me at ........UPDATE (08-09-2003)........................... On August 12th 2003 my abuser goes to his final pre-trial, I will be there to find out when he has trial again, .........UPDATE (11-01-2003).......................... Well I setteld the case in Court and I only got $1000.00 and he didn't have to spend anytime in jail. The money that I got went to bills so if anyone wants to donate money to me for diapers, Please E-mail me and I will give you some instuctions in doing so. ...........UPDATE (12-22-2003)........................ Well I don't think that I will be able to have this web site or any of my chat rooms and/or groups much longer if I don't get some donations and I am $ 1,000.00 dollars in the hole. So if anyone can please give anything that they can it would be very helpful. Please send me a E-mail at I hope that People will E-mail me when they look at this site to tell me the things that you see wrong with it. If you write a Check Please make out to Lee D. Hales -------------(UPDATE 06-20-2004)---------------------- If there is anyone that wants to see some pics of me, Please send $1.00 Per Picture (Mail Only)If you would like a Catalog Via E-mail please send a E-mail to If you want a picture(s) Please E-mail me at ------------UPDATE(09-01-2004)------------------------ Well today I'm going to Californa for a week and I wish that someone could please send me money,or anything that they could to help me out. If you want some pics Please E-mail me and I will do my best to send them to you, Well I will Update it again when I get back. So please don't forget to sign my guessbook. ---------------UPADTE (09-14-2004)-------------------- Well I got back from Californa and I found out that a debit collector wants 200.00 by the end of September, and I don't have the money to keep Updating this site. P.S I need some money, I would be happy if you can do anything that you can to help me out. I have $1200.00 in doctor bills I have to pay. Thank you for visiting my page at AngelFire and ----------------UPDATE (11-15-2004)------------------- On 11-13-2004 My Mongoose XR-200 bike was stolen and I don't have any money to replace it and I don't know how I'm going to afford another one. If anyone can please help me out with some money I would do anything for someone who is willing to help me. I waish that I could be dead then I wouldn't have to worry about this shit happening to me. I also would be nice if someone could help me out with 1,000 dollars so I can get rid of this credit card debt. -----------UPDATE (12-14-2004)------------------------ Today I had to fix some problems with this site and the reason I updated this site is so it is more friendly for all age groups, If anyone wants to know the Latest Information, I will be adding it shortly, Since I know that there are some people out there wondering why I choose to wear diapers. It is because I been having the same problem that is said earier of this page and the doctor I talked about it with, told me that it is normal, and I sick of it. If you still don't know what I'm talking about. Please drop me a E-mail at and I will be gladly to inform you. -----------------(UPDATE 01-02-2005)------------------ Well I thought that I would add some more information on me. Since I was little I've been having bowel leakage and when I told my doctor about it, he told me not to worry about it because it was normal, Well I've been wearing diapers because I got sick of changing my underware all the time. If anyone can help me out with diapers, money, or anything. Please E-Mail me at -----------UPDATE (04-03-05)-------------------------- Well from the frist of march until now I have had one thousand-one hundred dollars stolen and/or damaged goods. Well since all this stuff happened I can't afford to buy items that I need, Wondering how I'm going to pay for the items that were stolen like my six hundred dollar digtal Camera. ---------UPDATE (08-23-2005)-------------------------- I don't know what to do about diapers because I'm out of money and I need them. People have been making fun of me, but I will not let it get to me, because I know that they are not happy and the want to bring others down with them. I hope to get more diapers soon, and I hope people will be nice and leave thier opinions to thierself. I hope doctors can find out what is wrong with me, because I sick of being in pain. ----------------------(UPDATE 12/08/2005)------------- I am sick of life and wished I could find a mommy and/or daddy to take care of me, Please someone help me, If someone could help me out with some diapers I will be happy, I want someone to feed me, change me, and take care of my every needs. PLEASE HELP! --------------(UPDATE 01/19/2006)--------------------- I had to move because a guy that I thought was my best friend, screwed me over. I had to change my phone number, and I used all of my money to move, and I don't have any diapers, I am incontent and I need them. Right now I don't have any because of the move and I need some really bad, If someone can please help me out. Please E-mail me at I will give you all of the info then. Anything you can help with will do. --------------------(UPDATE 09/01/2006)--------------- Well today I thought I would let you know what has happen since my last update, My sister and her boyfriend are starting alot of stuff, they are telling people that I am a child molester, and that I molested her 4 year old daugther. Since this has happen I have been really depressed and I have wanted to die, all this stress has caused me to use more diapers, and I have no income until next year. If people could sent alittle to help me put I would apperate it greatly. ----------------(UPDATE 09-06-06)--------------------- Today I went to take care of some stuff, and my bike was stolen, and I'm very depressed, I wish I was dead, Only tranportion I have someoe took, I don't have money to get a new one, so I guess that I will have to just stay home and lose everything I have worked for go down the drain. ------------(UPDATE 12-03-07)------------------------- Well today I found out that my Insurance will not cover my incontent briefs (Diapers) and I am on a fixed income and I can't afford them, If anyone could help me out with whatthey can, I would greatly appreate it. My health has been going down hill for awhile and I don't know how much longer I can hang on. Someone please help me! ------------------------Here is my Story-------------- How I Got Into Diapers Well it all started when I was a little baby and I had alot of health problems including a heart murmer, a blood clot on the brain, and undevloped bowels, Plus alot more. Well when I was two I was sexually molested by the baby sitter, and I didn't learn to walk until the age of three, I don't know when I was potty trained. When I was growing up when I was out of diapers, My grandparnets kept telling me that they were going to buy me some diapers, a bottle, a pacifier, and a bib because I kept having accidents. They told me that if I was going to act like a baby, Then I would be treated like a baby. When I turned eight years old I started having feelings towards diapers, it's like that my brain was telling me that I needed them, well I didn't think nothing of it until about three months later when I walked down the adult diaper aisle and my want for them became too much for me to handle. I went to the drug store and stole some depends and took the to the bathroom and put it on. Well at this time I was still having accidents and my mother got sick of it and took me to the doctors. The doctor to my mother that I needed to try the kegal exerisce. When I did the exerisce it made my problems alot worse, So I stopped doing the exercise. When I turned ten years old my mother took me back to the doctor because I was still having accidents and the doctor told her to put me back into diapers, but I really didn't think she wanted to because she never did and that made me think that it gave me the right to steal them, because my doctor told me that I needed them. When I turned twelve I was molested again, by this time I was molested by eight males, and one female. By this time I was wearing diapers for four years without nobody knowing, and I started stealing money to buy them and I started to wear them all the time, even when I went outside. For awhile I felt uncomfortable wearing them outside. When I was sixteen my brother was snooping in my room and found the depends that I bought the day before at Fred Myers, Then he started seaching the house and found some more depends and took them up stairs and dumped them in the Frontroom in front of my step-father, my mother, and my friend that I had a crush on. When my mother asked me why I had them, I told her that they weren't mine, and she asked who's are they then. I told her that they were ken's and she told me to stop lying. Well then I told her that I liked them and I was going to stop wearing them and my mother asked me why I wearing them, and I told her that I liked them and I like the feel of them. When I turned eighteen I was locked up for breaking the law, and I was told that I need to not wear diapers, because it causes people to get into trouble with the law. I never did listen, because I knew deep down inside that I needed them. While I was locked up there was a person that wore diapers, and I used to steal them and wear them, because my need/want for them. When I got out of lockup in may 2002 on my 21st birthday I went to the store and bought some depends and put one on and it made me feel safe, because from the age of two until I was seventeen I was molested by nine males, and one female. So I used the diapers to make me feel safe, and comfortable again around males, because I've been hurt by them. I started doing research on the Internet and came across AB/DL (Adult Babies/Diaper Lovers) and I read about it and I noticed that I was one of them. About a year an a half ago I noticed that I started having a bed wetting problem, and then I started having daytime wetting accidents about six months after. Well I went to a Urologist to find out what was going on with me, and he told that I'm dealing with something called Incontinence. They still don't know what is going on with me, and they need to do more test. Well I have been wearing diapers on and off since the age of eight and now at the age of 23 I wear them 24/7 so in case I have an accident I don't need to change my clothes. If any one has any questions for me Please E-Mail me at Now I am dealing with incontinence, and I should wear 24/7, but I can't afford them all of the time and I am in alot of debit that I don't know how to get out of. Someone Please Help me? 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