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me name iz|-->>Unknown
me age iz|-->>
1400 lite yrs
me nationality|-->>
aLieN nation
me gender|-->>
alien gender
me DOB|-->>
FEB.04/89(Aquarius,Earth Dragon)
me lo-ka-shun|-->>
me status|-->>
me jailed at|-->>
me hates|-->>
smokers, gin(a/o), wanna b`s, stealyr, LP h8er, and i h8 meh the most
me heart|-->>
yooh...and every1 hu chesk dis site out!!
me need to know more|-->>
note meh

About Meh...

If u dont know mai personality... then u dont know me at all...!!
Not n e one can make friends wif meh easily... and i dun want to make friends wif ppl hu r like .....ewwwwwness.....LoL....
Well.. i doubt n e one will read this but Hey... not every1 have tyme in their hands to be wasted on meh!!....
Well, for those hu reads this... Kudos to u (=^_^=) *me and mai azn face*

Well, lets start.
If u have nvr seen me before....I am pretty short, 5"4'; dark brown hair and under bright light a bit redish (all natural hair color);
brown eyes; skin tone... uhh.... indian like...and if u ask for ma looks... im pretty UGLY.
Mai personality... personally i think this is the only quality i c in maself.....
Im quite shy when u first c meh... but once u get to know meh.. u wish u have nvr knew meh... im absolutely, x-tremely HYPERISTIC
i can get really hyper... and i do mean hyperistically hyper active and talkative....

I love to play ma games serious...
like: b-ball, v-ball, badminton, n e sort of racing, soccer, (damn it...i dunno wat else do i like...oh well).
Ofcourse i listen to music when i bored and sad... I listen mostly to n e think wif guitars and nice lyrics...
Sometime i also listen to the 80's and classical music too....LoL..
yah i got that from ma mom...if u were ever in ma car... u would hear all these old musics like from abba or w/e....

If u were wondering.... im proud being single and not lookin for u!!....
i think i can live mai lyfe being single for now!!... n e wayz....
i have already set mai heart on sumthing or sum one!!LoL...
n e wayz...
hu would like to go out wif an alien??... seriously.. like as if n e 1 would.... unless they r one too...
but i doubt u r one.. unless ur name is.......*suzette shud know hu* ...kehehehe....
well i think this is enuf about meh... thx 4 reading if u did!!(=^_^=)*mai azn face*