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The layer of black velvet....buahahahahhhaha!!!

heyaz...once again.....time to redo this message. it gets old pretty easily. heres the story of the site. once upon a time, there was a cow. this cow said "moo" well then there was the short fat bully...he was called pig. pig was dirty he ate too much...and snorted when he laughed. it sounded kinda like "oink oink oink" well when the cow...the sweet cow got stuck behind the lunch line of this pig, the pig was so big he couldnt move. well...the cow was soooo mad because he was hungry. after all..he has 6 stomachs he has to fill, while the pig only has one. and the pig doesnt even sweat!!! so the cow said "MOOOOOvvveeeee!!!" and magically, the pig got wings and it flew the top of my screen. so now...the pig is stuck there. its stuck in that little white box and it cant fly anywhere else cuz its so big and lazy. odd story aint it??????? anywho. pages on my site. almost every single page on this site i am picture happy. if youve ever been in my can agree. i have an entire wall thats filled with just regular photo size pictures. picture frames on my desk, my stereo, my dresser, and basically every shelf i can find. there are pictures in frames all over my room and i have a bulleton board with...what??? you guessed i have 13 full albums of pictures...i have about 26 packets of pictures that have nowhere to go....and i also have a scrapbook that ive been working on since 6th grade. however..that not only contains pictures..but other random crap. such as postcards. postcards!!!! my wierdest collection. ever since i was in about 3rd grade...ive had this obsession over post cards. if i went anywhere..whether it was a different city, different state, or across an ocean...i had to get a fe postcards. now i have a huge stack and don't know what to do with them. i also have a very large stamp collection that actually my mom started and passed it down to me. ive saved every birthday card since i was 4...pack rat???? meeeee??????? of course not!!!!! yea really..i am a pack rat...i have so much stuff that i'll never use....i looked through my drawer yesterday and i found 7 full diaries...i usually keep them in order and they werent this that means SOMEBODY was looking at them....which is really annoying because in my diary i have the corniest things...i was soooo sheltered when i was little. in my 6th grade was a first sentance " really wasnt a tgif" a week later "oh my gosh!! today was the most tgif that ive had in a long time" it sounds like im talking about a product or something "buy tgif today!!!!" i mean...seriously. i cant imagine what i would be now if i didnt move to texas and meet the people that basically form who i am. do you want me to name them all??? i think not. i can name a few though...just as long as you dont get mad at me if you're not on this list.'re probably the biggest one on this list. you've been my best friend since 7th grade. and i only have 1 more word to say "MO SQUI TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" lets see...i'd have to say...Aditi...i think you're probably the one that made me look into being smart...since i never was that hehe. and more recently...all the azn bunch...that basically azn washed me...including nhathy, christina, jojo (who also came from minnesota..also plays clarinet...and figured out..we were in the exact same scary storm that cut off electricity for a week and a half...only 20 min away from each other), amy, tam, key, rosy, tommy, and gosh if i keep going i'll be naming everyone. and...sabeen...pervertedness is added into the life when ur around...ur around some1 for 5 min and you already influence them. thanks so much for bein there when i needed yah! yeh mean a lot to me! add the chocolate into life..of course without the ch lol.....and finally...i have to make a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE mention to...the debate team. without yall...especially chintan, lanie, chelsa, linz, and even skippy and wouldnt be me..i'd be the old me and the old me is bad. also..a word out to b dawg and z. it's only fair to say...i wouldnt be a mini b n z without the b n z!!!! might enjoy the shrine...some funny things there that got me startled...and ive also dedicated a page to band and!!!~wani/gerbil/eep/bv/ani

pages 2 mah site

Debaters and Interpers..ENTER
Band Dorks
My Shrine
Stories and Poems by Me
Family Reunion Pix
Kewl Vacations
Funny Things People Say
My Niece and Nephew
Other Family Photos
Pix of Friendz
Pix of Friendz Continued
The Last of Williams pix
