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  I am Bored

What to DO?

Please help me, I am bored.

Send you suggestions to





8/15/03 3:45pm

I have just been informed that to day is the birthday of the "iMac". Happy birthday from all of us, but I must say that Grape is not a power setting.


8/16/03 11:45am

So in just 15 min I have to go to work.  BOOOOO.  As you can see I have been Busy working on the site, if you like it please let me know.  You should check out the links on the bottom, great web-comics.  I will soon have more links up and running and I might be moving servers.  A friend of mine has offered space and I might take him up on that just for you dear readers.  oops. Time for work.


8/17/03 12:45pm

Well I am with family all day today, they give me food and we sit and talk. Mostly enjoyable group so no complaints or anything.  Still learning this whole web thing, so much to learn, so little time to do it in.  Working on getting some screenshots up on the gaming page and all so please bare with me. Also let me know if you would be interested in a clan of some sort, I would love to get that up and going.