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Hello! Welcome, to the hopefully, new, and hopefully improved site! It has more or less the same stuff on it, but hopefully looks marginally more attractive -(and if it doesn't, then I am mightily embarassed..) The other site didn't retire because of lack of stuff, or anything, but more because of my idiocy, and of myself being more computer iliterate than I had originally thought. I was trying to do some simple editing, and ended up hitting the wrong button a few too many times, and deleted most of the content. I did feel stupid.

But, yeah, I guess we could call this 'Writing - An Art Mk 2'. Some of you will understand the joke there...I'm sure. Anyway, maybe, when I get it up and running and everything, and I feel kinda semi-comfortable with it, we'll re-name it, just to shake things up!


Okay, well as with last time, this'll be where the updates, or my general comments of the updates will be hidden. Interesting, huh? No. Uhhhh, well we probably won't bother with the 'word and quote of the day' because last time, they didn't turn out too well -(actually, I just lack efficiency.)