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.:Girl4eva:. Quiz
Just answer the quiz trufully and the answers are at the bottom of the page.


What is your favourite colour?






What do you like to do most during your spare time?


b)playing sports

c)on the computer or on t.v.

d)going hiking

e)talking on the phone

What kind of clothes do you like?

a)fashionable clothes

b)anything comfortable

c)simple clothes

d)punk clothes

What is your favourite season?






Question #1-what is your favourite colour?

a)purple-you are very girly, likes to do girly things such as shopping, putting make up.

b)blue-you are a good athleate. You like sports such as basket ball and volley ball.

c)green-you don't take things serously and is a trouble maker.

d)black-you are a very dark minded person. Very selfish and evil.

e)yellow-you are a bright and cheerful person, very friendly and caring.

Question #2-What do you like to do most during your spare time?

a)shopping-you love to buy clothes, you are very city like.

b)playing sports-you are a great athleate, always getting A's in gym class.

c)on the computer or on t.v.-you are lazy, always staying at home.

d)going hiking-you are a person who enjoys the great outdoors. You are a very good camper.

e)talking on the phone-you are very chatty. You can never stop talking

Question #3-What kind of clothes do you like?

a)fashionable clothes-you are very girly, tries to look the best. Spends hours looking at yourself in the mirror.

b)anything comfortable-you don't care what you wear or do, unless your comfortable with it.

c)simple clothes-you are very simple minded.

d)punk clothes-you are a bully, you like to boss people around.

Question #4-What is your favourite season?

a)summer-you love to play under the sun. You like warm weathers.

b)fall-you like to see leaves falling of the trees.

c)winter-you are a boring and dull person.

d)spring-love flowers and baby animals.

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