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So for some reason, this seems to be the part that everyone always looks for. "Art? Um...yeah, it's nice...but where's your picture?"

Pictures of my Puppies
These are pictures of my little doggies...aww...

Pictures from Panama
These are just a few of the pictures that were taken on my trip to Panama during the summer of '01.

Pictures of my Car
I love this baby!

This First Car
I loved this baby, too.

Aww, the little Gometz's
These are pictures of my brother and I when we were younger. For some reason someone wanted to see them...

Pictures of ODU
Some pictures taken on campus.

Pictures from Brandon's Party
Some pictures taken at Brandon's Birthday Party.

The T-Shirt I designed
These are pictures of the T-Shirt that I designed for a Student Senate idea!

Party Pictures from May 1st!!
These are the very first pictures I got to take with my new camera. Yay.

I may or may not have more pictures coming later. Chances are pretty good that I will, but that they will not be of me.

Go back.

Say Cheese!

This site and its contents are property of Allyson Gometz unless otherwise noted. I need a new, funny copyright, because I just got tired of my old one. Any suggestions would be appreciated, however you would get no credit whatsoever.
Thank you.