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That's a picture from last year's mime show. It's where I met Sam ^_^, he's such a sweetie, and I love him to and till death. There's a story building here... Sam and I were in rehearsal one day, and I just decided to sit with him, I had developed a little crush on him, which escalated day by day. I was lying all over him, and constantly flirting. I was ditched one day after rehearsal, still made up in the mime make up, and my ride was non-existent, leaving me to take bart. Well he stayed with me, and walked me around campus to find an open bathroom, he helped me take off the make-up he was such a gentlemen. After that little escapade in the bathroom, he took me to QZAR to see if my brother was there so he could give me a ride home, he was, and that was that. I went home. Of course this is skipping a few minor details. Then there was the drama picnic, he had his arms around me, his sister came up and was going to do something not nice to me, and he's like "Connie don't, seriously.." and she goes "That's just because you like her." and he's all "I do." And then it was confirmed, I knew what I had to do. That night I broke up with my bf that I hadn't seen in 30 days, and didn't really love, and the next day in drama we got together. And I've fallen head over heels for him.

Sam hates that picture, and yes that's him.. He's such a cutie ^_^... He says he "looks like a dork" in that picture, I'd beg to differ...He's my everything, I'd travel across the world and back for him, I'd wait my life if he asked me to. He makes me want to live forever, so that I can spend an eternity with him.

The girl on the far left is my best ballet friend Jennie, the girl next to her is ME ^_^ lol, next to me is Ana, who I've known for 10+ years and I love her like a sister, and her family like my own, the girl on the far right is Laura, I don't know her as well, and we aren't as close, but she's still hell of cool... The two people that are missing are Deanna Ortega, who is a cute little hottie but she's got an evil side, and Ashley Rich who is about the same... That picture was taken in a dressing room of Dean Lesher Theatre for the Performing Arts, during the performance of Peter and the Wolf, Bolero, and a waltz number called Vienna Woods. That was the last DECENT production we've done.. The rest rather sucked. Like the last time we did Little Match Girl it was an embarrassment for the principal dancers, who looked incapable due to the choreography. Anyway that's all of that for now...

Always yours,


Okay time for me to be conceited... That picture was taken as an advertisement for Bolero, Peter and the Wolf, and Vienna Woods... Yes I am actually doing that, and yes I dance.. Lol... Okay now I feel like I should be blushing -blushes- So yeah... that was a picture from the front page of the Ledger Dispatch, which is all fuzzy cuz it was a rather large picture, that my scanner blurred, and then the downsizing further blurred... But you can see the bare basics... So yeah.. That's all for now

Always yours,
