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About me

I am thirteen and I attend school @ M.S. In my free time I enjoy hanging out with my friends, listening to music, messin w/ computers, i love snowboarding andhot chicksAlso, when it comes to school im blank, so please dont ask me about life:) I also taught my freind no face how to make pages .I am teaching my little brother html I let him use my web page( dont believe any thing he tells you about me)to go to pats page click the button.

I HATE rap, preppies, and posers so if u r 1

If your bored
  • Go chat
  • go play a sweet snowbard game game

  • Go to No Faces web page
  • read all my mottos and slogans

about my disfunctional family

Many, including me have wondered how Marc, my dad, can repeatedly tell jokes that are unfunny. For those of you that have never heard one of Marc's's unfunny jokes consider yourself lucky. Another phenomenon that you notice when you see him is his rapidly thinning hair. One person who met Marc said that if you watch his hair for long enough you can actually see it disappear before your eyes. I managed to find out Marc's's story so here it is: Marc was born on a planet far far far far far far( you get the point) away. The life forms on this planet were all shaped like cucumbers but Marc was different when he was born he looked like what we call a human. So consequently Marc was the laughing stock of the planet. Psychologists say this may have made him mentally unstable. One day Marc tried to tell a joke to some other kids and they told him that his joke was unfunny. This pushed already unstable Marc over the edge to insanity. He stole a space ship and came to earth. Here he found a man with two healthy normal boys and a wife. He killed the man and took his place. Being so far from his home land made Marc age at a very unnatural rate. This is the true story of Marc. Now back to my little brother. He came from Venus. Living as if he was supposed to be here, he is trying to take over Uranus. That is all.............for now

Weakly Joke

Q. How did Dairy Queen get pregnant?

click the button for the answer

My Favorite Sites

Games Workshop
This a cool website if you play Warhammer.
This is fun place to waste time online. It's got lots of games.

This the coolest place to get a free e-mail adress.

This is a good search engine.

This is a better search engine.

Talk city
This is a good place to ch@ w/ ppl(It might b down right now)

Liquid generation
this is a really cool site w/ lots of movies and fun stuff

cool text
This is where i get my banners
Talk 2 me please

I need feedback from you so e-mail me at grape thanx alot

Thank you 4 cuming

secret section e-mail me if you read this