The Purpose of Ravusperna

In this era, we see the beginning of the end of the country known as The United States of America. As proven by recent events in the south, our government has limited ability to help, or protect people durring natural disasters. In the event of a natural disaster, when the area descends into anarchy, Ravusperna would take control, as many people in high places are members. Ravusperna also has the goal of counteracting The Illuminati.

The Officials of The Millitary of Ravusperna.

Highest official: The Dear Captain.

Second in command: The Seven Star General

Third: Generals Blackstar, Whitestar, Silverstar, Goldstar, Greenstar, Bluestar, and Redstar.

Officials of The Government.

Highest Official: Aureus Rex (Golden King)

Second: The Prime Minister.

Third: The Crown Princess of Ravusperna

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