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You want to pamper your pooches at a spa or camp? Cool! Abercrombie is just the place to do it! Read about my programs below and then fill out the form. If there is still room in the program you have selected, I will email you!

Overweight Petz Camp

Okay, so you've been pampering your beloved petz...a little too much. After feeding him/her loads of treats, you throw the frisbee. Your usually energetic petz doesn't run to catch it...he *gasp* waddles in the general direction of it! Oh, no! He's fat! My camp is a week-long program to help overweight petz gain their original shape and energy back! The program involves vigorous exercise and training rituals, but the petz will not be starved! I will send one update, usually in the middle of the week.

The Pampered Poodle

Poodles, although adorable and loving, require lots of attention. Are you too busy with training, breeding, or whatever to give the poor dogz the attention it needs? Send it to me. I will give it lots of love and attention, and will introduce it to other petz. This program is also great for finicky eaters.

Here's the Form:

Your name/email:

Petz' name:

Petz' breed:

Which spa/camp?:
