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I love surfing the web and looking at Petz websites, and, of course, I have my favorites. Please, please, don't be offended if your site isn't listed here. I probably just don't know that it exists! Don't ask me to post your site here, just post it on the free-for-all links page. I view those sites, too, of course, and if I just *luv* it, I'll put it here! :-)

Petz Sites

Petzclamation -- I love this site because of all of the cute petz. The site also has a nice layout and the owner has obviously put LOTS of work into it.

Windsong -- This site has been around FOREVER and it is AWESOME!!! I love everything: the cute petz, the great tutorials, and, Summerfest was really creative and a blast! Check this site out now!

Anso's Petz 4 -- My favorite part of this site is all of the great breeds. I've downloaded more breeds from there than I care to remember...

petzworks -- I just found out about this site, supposedly a lot of people hate it, but I think it's pretty nice and original...

Petz Incognito -- Cute adoptions and litters. What can I say?

Sensible Petz -- I think it's a pretty new site, but it's great, with plenty of things to do!

Cosmopolitan Catz -- This is one of my very favorites, although it concentrates mostly on catz, and, I'd have to say that Abercrombie concentrates mostly on dogz. (I still *luv* my kitties, but they're trapped in Petz 3!)

Crazy Petz -- Cute site, lots to do. -- This site isn't very well known, but I love it!

Other Sites

Lissa Explains it All -- This site is the most awesome HTML help site I've ever seen! It covered everything about HTML I wanted to know...and more!

Bravenet -- Although sometimes the server is a bit unreliable, I have to say that Bravenet is the best place to go if you need lots of scripts.