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Do you think your dogz have show potential? Great! I'm hosting a show here for all dogz of all breeds. All of the dogz will be put in one class, regardless of breed or age, and I will choose the winners based on THEIR BREED STANDARD! The pose is very important, so make sure it's a good one! To enter, just fill out the form below and then send me a picture in an email message. There should be nothing in the body of the message, just the subject. The subject should be "Dogz Show Entry_petznamehere." Thanks!

Please do not edit the pictures! If I even suspect that you have edited, your entry will be dismissed! You can hex paint your petz but please do not paint them with the paintbrush! No clothes, please, except for a bow for girls!

Your Name:

Your email:

Petz' Show Name:

Petz breed:
