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Are you going away on vacation for a while, and need someone to take care of your petz? Do you have too many, and, while you don't want to put them up for adoption, you want a break from a few of them for a while? I understand. And, being the wonderful person that I am (lol), I will keep them at my place for you. Just fill out the form below. Please remember that I am a busy person, too, when filling out the form. I won't set a limit on the number of petz or time limit, but keep it reasonable, please! I have the right to turn down and application for whatever reason.

What is your name?:

What is your e-mail address?:

How many petz would you like for me to board?:

When are you going to send the petz to me?:

When should I send them back?:


Of course, you will have to send me the petz. Just send the petz to me on the day that you specify on the second to last question. Put "Yourname_board" in the subject line, please.