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Structure 1

Cycloid and cytenoid scales grow as the fish grows. Fish are more active and grow more in the spring and summer, causing the scales to leave rings very much like the rings of a tree. These rings are farther apart in the spring and summer and closer together in fall and winter. For this reason, the age of most fish can be fairly accurately determined by examining their scale rings.Did you Know that?


BoneyFish are classified as these type of fish: Lobe-Finned fish, Longfish and Ray finned. Lobe-Finned Fish-use their muscular, paired fins to move through the shallows and raise their heads above water to breathe. The lobe-finned fish possessed lungs as well as gills.
Ray Finned: Ray-finned fish are the dominant aquatic vertebrates today, making up about half of all vertebrate species known. They are found in every aquatic habitat from the abyssal depths of the ocean to freshwater streams and ponds; a few can even crawl on land for short periods of time.
Lung Fish: This lungfish has wide based, paddle like fins which are well developed.This resembles fleshy fined animals in ancient times.Its lungs are not well developed, therefore it breathes chiefly with its gills. .

LobeFish Pic
. Ray Finned Fish
. Lung Fish


What is a fish? Vertebrates adapted to living water. Boneyfish: Means Osteichthyes. this class of fishes is characteruized by a skeleton made of bone. like chondcrichthyes,boneyfishes have hinged jaws, paired fins, and well-developed sense organs.


1. Total Length 2. Fork Length
3. Standard Length 4. Head Length
5. Snout Length 6. Caudal peduncle (where the body attaches to the tail)
7. Fin rays, spinous (unsegmented) and soft (segmented) 8. First (spinous) dorsal fin
9. Second (soft) dorsal fin 10. Pectoral fin
11. Pelvic (ventral) fin 12. Anal fin
13. Finlet 14. Caudal (tail) fin
15. Lateral line 16. Scutes (bone-like projections
17. Opercle (gill cover) 18. Preopercle (cheek)
19. Interopercle 20. Adipose eyelid
21. Supramaxilla (rear portion of upper jaw bone) 22. Premaxilla (forward portion of upper jaw bone)
. Reproduction

"How they Do It"... Fertilization for fish is external. Fish produce more offspring than a niche can support. Females lay hundred of millions of eggs, the male fish spreads sperm over the eggs in which they are fertilized. How they care and feed they're young: Adult fish do not care for theyre its definitely a case of "survival of the fittest" because parents do not care for they're young and most eggs die before they hatch, only a few survive to become alduts.
. Evolution/Enviorment
The first vertebrates evolved from sedentary vase-shaped marine animals called sea squirts about 500 million years ago. The larvae of modern sea squirts are incredibly similar to young fish. The first fish were jawless and probably fed by filtering tiny particles from the water. The fossil record is not clear because only the teeth remain, but these early fish probably lacked scales. Later fish evolved armor plates and scales for protection from large predatory arthropods.
The diversity of fish species exploded during the Devonian period (410 million to 360 million years ago) in what is known as the Age of Fish. Forming three major lineages of modern fish: the lungfish, coelacanths, and ray-finned fish, which encompass all the remaining living fish. An ancestral lungfish ultimately gave rise to all other vertebrates.
Fish were the earliest vertebrates and presumably evolved from a group of aquatic lower chordates; the terrestrial vertebrates evolved from fishes.They are found in all marine, fresh, and brackish waters throughout the world and at all depths. Members of different species of fish tolerate water temperatures ranging from freezing to over 100 (38). Most are confined either to saltwater or to freshwater, but some are physiologically adapted to moving from one to the other. A number of fishes that are born in freshwater spend their adult lives in the ocean, returning to their birthplace to spawn; the reverse of this migration occurs in some fishes born in the ocean


There are many adaptation in fish among the the many like the poison Venom and electric organs.. these are the ones I find most interesting... Fish can pump water through their gills when they are motionlessa and It is an advantage when hiding from predators. A fish's body color (body pigment) serves a number of functions. Body coloration protects the internal organs of a fish from the sunlight. Fishes are able to recognize each other based on color and color patterns.Fish also use botdy color to blend in with their habitat just like Stone fish do. Eyes are one of the most noticeable parts of a fish's body.Some fish have false spots, which look like eyes, on their tail or on the rear fins. These false eyespots can sometimes trick a predator into striking the tail region of the body instead of the head. It is easier for a fish to get away if the predator is stricking its tail.
. Movement

Down Below is a picture of movement for those of you who are'nt very Verbal.

Most fish have a firm "tail" that can be moved back and forth without moving the whole body. This type of body movement produces a fast motion and requires much less energy.
. Extra Info!!

Fish may be carnivorous, herbivorous, or omnivorous. Some fish are scavengers on lake or ocean bottoms. Fish are a major source of human food as well as of oil, fertilizer, and feed for domestic animalsA number of aquatic invertebrate animals and groups have common names that include the term fish (for example, crayfish and shellfish), but these do not resemble and are not related to true fishes. There are members of the terrestrial vertebrate classes, such as whales and sea snakes , that have adopted an aquatic way of life, hese may superficially resemble fishes and are sometimes erroneously called fishes, but they are air-breathers, and their anatomical structure reveals their relationship to land animals.
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