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Thank God It's FRIDAY
Friday, 10 October 2003

Stop Crowding around,
Please let my cry.
None of you understand
And I will never tell you why.

I need to be by myslef.
I'll figure it out on my own.
If u really want to help,
Than please leave me alone.

I don't want your advice,
Don't talk off my ears.
Why is it when i do need you
Your never here?

When I say leave me be
Does it not sink in?
I want to be alone
Why is that a sin?

I can whipe away my own tears.
I'm a big gurl now.
I don't need your shoulder,
I can do it, i no how.

But after i am done
When i can smile again.
Thats when i need you
I need you to be a friend.

But now all I'm asking
It's really simple you see.
Please shut the door.
Please leave me be.

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 4:40 PM
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Mind, body and soul,

I feel so out of control.

Tear drops flowing from my wounded heart

My heart has well and truly fallen apart.

My mind, my body, my thoughts inside,

Causes confusion inside my screwed up life.

Two Parallel worlds colliding into one reality,

Everything feels and looks like a blurred vision.

It causes me to be out of control.

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 4:38 PM
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Me and you together is how it's suppose to be
Why my love can't stop you tell me
You may not understand why I can't acheive my dream
You may not understand How I could look at me and still dream
How I could look and not see what you see
Right now my tears are flowing
Flowing in the deepest part of me
In my heart I see something special
In my heart I feel no one can touch me
My beauty is there but all may not see
despite your thought I can and will be.
You may look down and see me and wonder why that is
But only God can tell you I'm not content with being ME.

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 4:37 PM
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What happened to those
Those who said..
I won't forget
I can't forget
Yet they forgot!
Forgot everything!
Left me here
Here in this hole
This hole of emptiness...worthlessness
But I remember
Remember when I was something
Something to you
Something to me
But memories are all I have
Yet they are fading
So I fade with them
Fade into nothingness
For that is what I have become nothing

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 4:35 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2003 4:37 PM
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Sometimes I wish I were dead
Why can’t I ever do anything right
I wanna get outta this place
Like a bird in full flight
It’s like everything I do
I’m being watched like a hawk
I feel like I have no voice
Like a bird that can’t squawk
You’re judged by the looks
They say there’s no-one perfect
But you always know there is
Your marked like a project
No-one knows what it’s like
To feel so lonely and unloved
Why does life be so cruel?
When your at your worst and uncovered
I wish I was anywhere
Anywhere but here
Life’s like riding a bike
Always changing gear
It seems like everyone’s happy
Everyone except me
I wanna be surrounded by water
Surrounded by the sea.

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 4:30 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2003 4:32 PM
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Many times I made the wrong choices
Many times I got into trouble
Sometimes I get so tired that I just want to vanish
I just want to close my eyes and never wake up
But when there's someone to help and
Point out to me what life is about
That makes me realize that I want to live
And not to die
It makes me see what more problems it can give
To the people who loves me?
If only there was a person I could trust and
Help me with my problems
I think that would make me feel better
And happier
I know that you can't really trust anyone this day
How I know
I know because I've trusted many people in my life
That I thought was my friend but there just plastics
Through out this time of my life
I learned not to trust just anyone

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 4:27 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2003 4:33 PM
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Best friends are supposed to be forever
They're supposed to really care
They're supposed to be the ones who will always be there
Best friends aren't always what you think they're supposed to be
I don't care who you are, someday you will see
I used to have a friend that I cared sooo much about
But in the end things just didnt work out
I thought it was perfect
I thought it was the best friendship ever
I can't belive I really thought it was gonna be forever
There really is no such thing as a forever with friends
But there is a such thing as a never again once it ends
I guess in the end it will all work out
Maybe thats what "friendship life" is all about
'Having them and losing them'

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 3:57 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2003 4:31 PM
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To a friend.
One who was always at my side.
A friend who never left me alone,
Someone, in which I trust to confide.

You held my hurt,
I always came first.
You stood at my side,
Even at my worst.

You opened you arms
Although I usually refused
But u left them open
For me to run to.

5 years of happiness,
A friendship so strong
We'd still be friends,
Even if something did go wrong.

You offered me a shoulder
For me to lean and cry
You never turned your back
Never said good-bye.

If I needed you,
I know you would run.
If you were a million miles away,
I no you'd find a way to come.

You never asked me for help,
But realize I am always there.
Never forget,
That I will never seize to care.

If you feel one ounce of hurt,
Or a shutter or pain
I'll open my arms
And do my best to shelter the rain,

I am there if u need me,
I'll never leave u alone,
You may never ask,
But I want to make it known.

Know that I may not understand,
That I may never get it just right
But I am always there
Helping you, with a shinning light.

Today is your day,
A time to reminisce.
If we ever separate
Your qualities I will miss.

Never forget to laugh,
To grace me with your smile
Always remember to cry
Sometimes, just for a lil' while.

I have no other things to say,
No words can describe wat u mean to me.
But make it so it known.
And always be happy.

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 3:53 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2003 4:33 PM
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As I walk through the valley of the shadows of death
I'm reminded to clear my mind by taking a deep breath
As todays skies turn black
I notice I've come too far to turn and run back
The sun, moon, and all the stars above
Are great gifts of Gods love
Holding your hand
Is more beautiful than a beaches white sand
All written in the rite and very special way
I only hope you understand why I say.......I LOVE YOU!!!

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 3:47 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2003 4:32 PM
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To spend time with you was like a dream come true
You could take a gray day and paint the sky blue
Life seemed so easy when you were around
Being with you felt like i wsa flying high above the ground
Loving you allowed my thoughts and dreams to soar
I loved everything about you, everything right to the core
Your love was my place to escape
your warm arms around me made me feel so safe
I always hoped that i could make you see
Your love was the best thing that ever happend to me

Posted by weird2/a_jones at 3:45 PM
Updated: Friday, 10 October 2003 4:31 PM
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