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Weed Around The World

Canada has now leagalized marijuana mor medicinal purposes. Plus, now if you get caught for possession or trafficking, you can apply for for drug treatment courts, instead of jail time.

Since nearly 70% of their drug arrests were pot related, weed has been downgraded to "soft" status. Now pot is no more illegal than antidepressant pills, and pot related arrests are down too.

This country is so strict you can't even wear hemp jewelry or clothes! Anything over a half-kilogram of pot is punishable by a death sentence.

Marijuana has been decriminalized here since 1996. Time to follow suit America.

Parliament in this country decided to decriminalize nearly all drugs, even heroin (which I'm against).

Everybody knows Holland 'cause that's where Amsterdam is. But believe it or not, they do have laws against weed. They just haven't enforced them in over 30 years.

Moving ahead? The old penalty for possession of marijuana was death by stoning. Now they either hang or shoot you. At least it's a quicker, less prolonged death. This place doesn't deserve to exist.

Even though Australia's National Drug Research Institute recommended a change, the governtment refused to break their "Tough on Drugs Strategy."

In 2001, this country changed 80 year old laws by decriminalizing weed for personal use. But they don't specify how much is "personal use."

United States of America
Marijuana is a Schedule I drug, classified as a friggin' narcotic, it is illegal for all purposes. This is complete bullshit in my opinion, let us smoke damnit!!