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More Dope Facts

> More than 700,000 pot smokers are busted every year in the United States- that's 1 every 45 seconds.

> The average prison term serverd for a murder charger in the U.S. is 6.3 years. The average term in the U.S. for a marijuana charge is 10 years.

> 30 million people in the U.S. regularly use illicit drugs.

> The number of Americans who have tried marijuana is roughly 70,000,000.

> Rank of marijuana, among all United States cash crops is #1.

> The estimated yearly sales of marijuana in the U.S.A. is around $32 billion.

> If legalized, at a sales tax rate of 6%, state governments could make around $1.9 billion a year in revenue.

> The percentage of 10th graders in Holland who have tried weed is 28%.

> The percentage of 10th graders in the U.S. who have tried weed is 41%.

> Compared to previous weeks, the amount of marijuana seizures at the Mexican border has risen 36% in the three weeks following the Sept. 11th attacks on the World Trade Center.

> In almost every state ballot in the U.S., the people have voted in favor of drug reform.

> Scientists have evidence of cannabis from pipes found in William Shakespeare's garden. Sonnet 76, written by him, makes references to a "noted weed."

> Britain's King James I ordered that hemp be grown by colonists in his namesake settlement of Jamestown.