Tribute to high school : To: DQ, camping, fake dates, Dress up days, "formal" dinners, suprise parties, poker, lying on the roof looking at the stars, greenwood, the park, volleyball, body painting, sleeping on ian's floor, lauren's hot pink cord bra, catie's wit, 18 dollar vegan pizzas, feast in the winter fez in the summer, RHCP encores, 40 hours together, Incubus at dusk on the hillside, partners in crime, sleepovers, racing the jetta, hot tubbing, water fights, karwath also killing me inthe snow, justin's lost phone, first and last homecomings, first kisses, broken hearts, last dances, JCL "bene baby", cottage skinny at midnight, 16th and 18th birthday bras, duct tape, prom dresses, AOL cds, swimming at Brandywine state park, newark main street, chinese with ram, Chad the "10", digits, ma girls, ma boys, tongue beast, molester, harry Creshna, making kristin go on a blind date with nicky, the creek, parties in liz's basement, end of the year after finals party, matt's butt, ram's need for a girl, and jon's ass slapping fetish, kay rock, the garrett rugby action doll, vanagon, ian's van almost dying on justin's hill, ben rhine's lab coat, long hugs, matty O handshake olympics, T-Ping the van and matt's house, King Island first name status, "gym class nazis", south street, civisms, "Heu!", Flan & Owen!, petty's webpage design class, my juniors, "my junior MkMc! way to cool for school and volleyball", kelsey beast, Gerogies Porgie, little ri-guy, B's overblown talks, D's inefficency as a coach, red's face matching my hair, danny freshman and laxtitudes, "10 reasons why I love amy", tin foil hats, romeo and juliet puppet shows witha spliced shower scene, "red head", Hawaii, pot pot potter!, D-Town M Brown schooling everyone, Oats!, walkign to licia's from longwood, sleeping in, staying out late, Kendal, freshman music trip, warped tour, free condoms, Greenday's beer bath, Live, bonfires, paintball at Nicky's, Kentucky fried movie, Porn and Chicken party, cooking in the rain, the spreader, pizza with hidden pepperoini, Princess bride, summer movie nights, swimming at Dan's, "life jackets", coldplay, Alice in wonderland, boys, Mr. A's kaboom chem lab, peanut brittle,girls night out, Joly rancher drinks, beach til 1 am, "you wanna gossip?", cruising in the Neon, good times, good friends.
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