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Gods and their examples are not needed by those who respect themselves and, consequently, respect others. Gods are for children, for little, fearful people, for those who would have no responsibility to themselves or their fellows.
-Orland Fank (the Champion Eternal series; Michael Moorcock)

Om is the bow, the arrow is the soul,
Brahman is the arrow's goal
At which one aims unflinchingly.

celebrate the world, for life is short but sweet for certain

a little boy and a girl were so in love,
standing 'neath the moon above...
-Pizzicato Five

What would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?

There's a theory that an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters would one day reproduce the entire works of William Shakespeare. Thanks to the Internet, we now know this isn't true.


The night holds no solace for the disrespectful. Death is the ultimate equalizer. It is balance. It is justice. It is the summation of life.
-Ninja Tom Brokaw

The Perversity of the Universe Tends to a Maximum
-Finagle (Also known as Murphy)

The sense of longing,
sense of wanting,
has left you to me,
an endless star in the sky

Doesn't it scare you,
to know that while you may see the light,
bask in the light,
rejoice in the light,
that it may be dead and long gone,
even before you were born,
yet still it falls....

sitting across from me,
do you know I exist?
sitting across from me,
do I know you exist?
oh what a cruel world

I think, therefore I am
I live, therefore I must die
I feel happiness, therefore I must feel sorrow
but what is the opposite of eternity, when it mirrors itself?

The body is as important as the soul,
for is not one nothing without the other?
love is nothing without sorrow, for if all was love, there would be nothing to achieve
some find love in sorrow, for they have found balance
Oh, how I wish I could be without.

some say that to question is to have disrespect. On the contrary; if I do not question something, it is because I have no interest in it, or feel that it is a waste of my time.

Reality is the sanctuary of the weak. The truth is not confined to reality - Truth transcends reality, however, fantasy is the crutch of the soft-minded. It seems as if we may be screwed either way.
-Master Ninja

If I do not accept a gift, it still belongs to the giver. I do not accept the gift of your anger.

I will not fear, fear is the mind-killer. I will let the fear pass through me, then only I will remain.
-Frank Herbert (Dune)

I am death, shatterer of worlds,
annihilating all things.

The Tao doesn't take sides;
it gives birth to both good and evil.
The Master doesn't take sides;
she welcomes both saints and sinners.
-Tao Te Ching

Life is pain, anyone who tells you different is selling something.
-Westley (Princess Bride)

Girls, congratulations on evading comprehension now and forever. but we all still love you, now and forever (and that is something about us I can not comprehend)