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Drunken Babble!!!!
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Final Fantasy 7 related sites i've found,

One of my other alter egos MOG!!
Poor little moogle just can't stay away from those kupo nuts,... alcoholic you know those damn kupo nuts!!!

Well since this IS a Final Fantasy char, i think it's only fitting to have my Game Section here, so with out further ado...


The passer of time, the story in motion, the venting tool of ALL VENTING TOOLS!!!,... well except maybe stabbing your bed over and over with a large butcher knife,... (get back on track!!) the,.. the,... WELL,... you get my point,...
Many hours have been spent in front of my tv set, hands lovingly glued to my controller, my eyes dry and red from forgetting to blink, body twitching with the game as if moving will help the char jump farther (IT DOES I SWEAR, IF YOU PLAY MARIO AND JUMP HE JUMPS BETTER!! HE DOES!! HE DOES!!), my thumb bruised blustered abused, many consoles have i had many have i broken (my poor genesis,... i didn't mean to blow you up,..) many controllers have i snapped in two, BUT IT WAS ALL WORTH IT IN THE END!
When those last credit roll by, you staring , nonblinking into that last screen of the game, grin spead across your face like an idiot, ONLY THEN, is the true meaning of the video game brought forth!!
The wonderful glossy shiny feeling that YOU BEAT IT!! IT CRUMBLED TO YOUR INSANE POWER YOU HAVE CRUSHED THE ESSENCE OF IT'S SOUL!,... oh no wait that's only shooters,... well and fighting games,... ol then...
that wonderful glossy shiny feeling that YOU KNOW THE STORY!! YOU'VE SEEN THAT ELUDING ENDING!! AND YOU'VE COLLECTED EVERY ITEM AND DONE EVER QUEST THAT GAME HAD TO OFFER!!and crushed the essence of it's soul, that my friends is the reward for the hours upon hours of your life that you've invested into that story, or that bloodbath, or those insanly complecated puzzles.
So because of the incedibly pointless and somewhat depressing speech i've just made,... i'll list a few of my favorite games for you.

The List!
  • Discworld 2,i just finished this game, it's fucking hillarious and insanly complecated to solve, not to mention the juicy goodness of Eric Idle (from monty python you moron! NOTE:that comment was for people who DIDN'T know that)as the voice for the lead char Rincewind, a wizard,... well kinda,... to explain it correctly all you need to know is that he's going to a school for wizards but isn't one,... to put it more clearly let me quote the manual,"There are eight levels of Wizardry on the Disc"(the place where the game takes place)"and Rincewind has still failed to acheive level one. It was the opinion of some of his tutors that he was incapible of even reaching level zero, which most normal people are born at. It has been contended that when Rincewind dies,the average occult ability of the human race will actually go up a fraction."
    Why play as such a silly characture you say why the answer is simple IT'S HILLARIOUS!! not to mention that earlier stated juciy tidbit if Eric Idle (i've already explained it once!! i'm not doing it again!!) voiceing Rincewind.
  • Final Fantasy IIV, yes yes a rather popular vote by many, but all i have to say is IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE GAME YOU CAN FUCKING EAT ME!!
    and now the voice of calm and serinity would like to take over and say, i love this game i love it more than any other game on the face of this planet. but i'm sure you've all heard about a million speaches written out on some random webthing all over the place i'm i'm guessing you don't want to hear another one, but if you want to read some hillarious Fanfiction the check out my friends thingspage
  • Sonic The Hedghog::sigh:: ah yes my first obsession, i used to play this game day and night night and day (well when i wasn't in the kitchen or watching tv) Sonic was my favorite video game even when i was in fourth grade not even the sequils topped it, i used to be able to get through the first level in 27 seconds FLAT, those were the days,... wait,.. WHAT HTE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT I WAS A FAT UGLY LITTLE KIDA BACK THEN WITH NO FRIENDS AND A HORRIBLE OBESSION WITH VIDEOGAMES!!,... but still fond memories,...
  • Discworld The first in the puzzle, much MUCH MUCH harder than 2 i might add i'm currently toiling over this game DAMN BUTTERFLYS!! DAMN LIGHTPOST!!! (if you ever play this game you'll know exactly what i'm talking about,... well if you manage to get that far without blowing your brains out from frustration)but still a great game, once again you play Rincewind the defunct "wizard" voiced by Eric Idle( FOR THE THIRD TIME!!! I'M NOT REPEATING IT!! IF YOU REALLY CAN'T FUCKING REMEMEBER SCROLL UP TO WHERE I SAID IT THE FIRST TIME AND CALLED YOU A MORON EXCEPT THIS TIME ADD "FUCKING" BEFORE MORON!!)ah,.. now where was i,...,... um,.... well damn,... i've lost my train of thought now,...

  • Duck Hunt
    Possibly the greatest shooter of all time ( well since there haven't been to many good ones since that bitch on a power trip in DC decided it was bad to mkae shooters so now the whole fucking genre is dead ...FUCKING BITCH!!!) no matter how hard you try you just can't shoot that fucking dog (and trust me i've tried, you can't even sneek up on the fucker i tried hiding behind my tv once just so that little bitch couldn't see me) and the on going debate, are the ducks eyes CLOSED? or just mearly narrowed in annoyace at you? it could be taken either way, i always thought they looked annoyed, you'd be pissed off too if some damn bitch dog chased you out of the bushes only to have someone else shoot you,.... but i can see that sleep thing too,...
ok well so i'm not done with that yet but hey i'm sure you were getting bored anyway.