A Shrine To Life's Oddities

My Favorite things about Evil R.

It's time for my occasional fixing up of the site. Got rid of the links, mostly because they were old and I thought a page with only five links was pretty pathetic. Got rid of How to Meet Your True Love because it was of little significance. Changed the About Me section.

Happy New Year! And Happy Valentine's Day! And all that other crap I missed and all the stuff in the future I'm bound to miss as well. As you may have guessed, I have updated this most wonderful of webpages. See, I didn't completely forget about it. Anyway, check out the shrine to Evil R for some new and unexpected evil...

Hello! Hopefully I'll be making lots of happy changes today. First of all, I made a major correction. There is no country called "Lichtenstein." There is one called "Liechtenstein" though. Oops, silly me! So now that I've fixed that, I might fix the Evil R shrine as well. And start a new poll. And maybe anything else that I can think of. So, go meow, sit back, and wait for an overhaul!
Okay, time for a website overhaul. I'll be getting rid of some things I think. If one of my sites just seems not good enough to keep, then I shall get rid of it. I'm also hoping to change the poll on the bottom, so look out for that, too!

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A Shrine to Evil R
About Me (Evil J)
My Live Journal
Old Updates
The Body of Marx
Old Liechtenstein

Email: juliaherrick@hotmail.com