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What is Satanism?

Main Entry: sa·tan·ism
Pronunciation: 'sA-t&n-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Date: 1565
1 : innate wickedness : DIABOLISM
2 : obsession with or affinity for evil; specifically : the worship of Satan marked by the travesty of Christian rites
- sa·tan·ist /-ist/ noun, often capitalized
© 2001 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Merriam-Webster

Given that definition, and the normally accepted standards of wickedness and evil, everyone is a little bit of a Satanist. Satanism, as a religion, is defined by the Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey. Anton Szandor LaVey was the founder of the first openly Satanic church, The Church of Satan. For the basics of Satanism click here.

Who is The Devil's Church's High Preist?

The Devil's Church does not have, need, or want a High Priest or single leader of any type. We did not come into existence for the glorification or profit of any individual. It is up to each individual member to make their own gains in life. The Devil's Church's actions, directions, philosophies, etc. are determined by a council of individuals, that where initially selected by our founders (that wish to currently remain anonymous to the public), and there after chosed by our council.

What is the difference between Satanism and Devil Worship?

Contrary to most of the modern Satanic organization's opinion, we feel that Satanism and Devil Worship are the same. Devil Worship is what it is: the worship or serving of a Devil, A Satanist's main priority is to worship or serve a Devil, that Devil being themselves and their desires that have for centuries been called the Devil by Christianity and other spirituality based religions. The characteristics that Satanists embrace, are commonly referred to as the Devil or the works of the Devil. The Satan in Satanism means whatever the individual wants it to, so long as it is internalized, rather than externalized. Much of this is mentioned in The Satanic Bible, but misunderstood or ignored. If you don't want to be veiwed as Devil Worshipper, then don't tell people you're a Satanist or anything of your Satanic involvments. Most people veiw Satanists and Devil Worshippers as the same. Only in circles of people with interest in Satanism and the occult will you usually find people who may consider them different. The idea that there are secret cults and people that worship the Devil and commit horrible crimes is pure fantasy that the media hyped up during what is known as "the Satanic panic" that occured in the 1980's and early 1990's. If there are any such groups or individual, we simple consider them insane people. We find that many of those that claim that there is a difference between Devil Worship and Satanism, do this so they can embrace Satanic philosophy while still wearing a "Good Guy Badge".

Are any of those atrocious and illegal acts people say you commit true?

The Devil's Church does not condone, illegal activities by it's members, but there is little we can do to stop it. If one of our members commits an undeserved illegal action against you, notify us immediately with all information regarding the alleged action. If proven to us that our member committed what you claim then their membership will be terminated. Satanism has nothing to do with illegal activities. All intelligent people know that the law of man is the first law one must follow. Christians and the media have been accusing us of all manner of things because they fear us and fear the truths that we speak.

Do Satanists engage in animal and human sacrifice?

We do NOT engage in animal sacrifice. There is nothing to gain from it. We DO engage in human sacrifice, in a manner that is consistent with being legal. The methods of which, are in the Satanic Bible.

Do Satanists use drugs?

The Devil's Church is not anti-or pro- drug usage. The decision to use drugs is up to the individual. We are highly against illegal activities, so in that sense, in relation to individuals that live in a country where drugs are illegal, we are forced to take the anti-drug stance unless the laws eventually get changed. It must also be stated that as Satanists, we indulge in actions that we desire to indulge in. We do not allow our desires to become compulsions. A Satanist is constantly striving to be master of her or his self.

Do Satanists have an ethical code?

Rules are for those that need them, but we all need some form of rules so that we can function as a society. The ethics of a Satanist are set by the individual needs of the individual by the individual. The Eleven Satanic Rules of Earth are only advice for a Satanist to help them function better in society. They are not the Satanic equivalent of The Ten Commandments.

Is the Devil's Church in any way connected with The Church of Satan that was founded by Anton LaVey?

We are not trying to mislead you into thinking that we are in some way connected to the Church of Satan, have "evolved" from the Church of Satan, or are in some way taking the place of the Church of Satan. We are a different organization that has a different structure and different methods in furthering the Satanic movement.

Do Satanists practice magick?

Those who spell "magic" with a "k" aren't
--Anton Szandor LaVey

A Satanist uses any method they can to get the intended results. Those that spell magic as "magick" most often fail to use what is known as "lesser magic" and use only ritual magic. Aleister Crowley and other supposed magicians started spelling magic with a "k" to separate ritual magic from stage magic. Lesser magic is sort of like stage magic without the stage. Lesser magic is a manipulative magic, using intellect and knowledge of other people to get them to act in accordance with the magicians will. A Satanist has no problems using something that would normally appear to be stage magic if it gets a better result than ritual magic. Often times, a Satanist will use ritual magic to alleviate the stresses and hardship of having a problem, freeing them to be better equipped to then use lesser magic to achieve what they want.

What is the Devil's Church's opinion on the Dark Doctrines by Tani Jantsang and Phil Marsh?

We recommend that anyone interested in The Dark Doctrines and what Ms. Jantsang calls "Dark Traditions", read them, as they contain much information of interest to many Satanists. The Dark Doctrines show much about other left-hand-path traditions which helped Satanism to come into existence. However, they are not what Satanism is. Satanism is defined in The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey because he was the first to actually start a religion called "Satanism" that had these concepts and philosophies.

Why do so many Satanists say they are the 'Elite'?

The term is usually used by pretentious morons and not by those that are "Elite" at all on a global scale. Very few open Satanists are "Elite". The Satanists that are 'Elite', are usually the ones that no one knows are Satanists. The term "Elite" is relative to the circle of people you are in. If you work in a McDonald's restaurant, the "Elite" would be the Manager and perhaps assistant managers. If you work a Fortune 500 company, the elite would be the C.E.O., major stock holders, etc. On a global scale, the elite are the major political leaders, military leaders, business leaders, celebrities, and people with the intellects or money to influence and control large numbers of people.

Didn't Anton LaVey merely rip off Nietzsche?

LaVey ripped of Nietzsche is like saying the Pope ripped off Jesus Christ.

What's your position concerning Satanic unification?

We will unify with any Satanist or Satanic organization that will help to further the goals that we have. Sadly there seems to be a lack of organizations with our goals in mind. This is why we formed. Many seem to be advocating more religious freedom as a goal. The Devil's Church does not see that as a real priority. The only thing that makes Satanism not socially acceptable is the dreaded "S" word. Satanim is man's natural state and most people do not oppose the philosophy. It is the name that people are afraid to accept. If you don't advertise your Satanic ideas and practices as Satanism, then no one will be opposed to them. To wear your Satanism as a sort of badge, without it benefiting you somehow, is counter-producive and is not what Satanism is about.

What's your position concerning Satanic stratification?

We are all for stratification. As society remains the egalitarian society that it is, man's progression will be slow. Life is to short to waste our time with catering to the weak and useless people of the world.

Where can I find a Satanic Grotto, Coven, or Church in my area?

You can join us, another Satanic organization,, or if there are none in your area, and you are qualified to start one, do it.

How does one become a member of The Devil's Church and what are the benefits?


If you have any suggestions as to any other frequently asked questions about The Devil's Church or Satanism, e-mail them to us.
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