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A pic from their Supernatural album

Ok, dct is one of my fav. bands. They have much coolation(Matthew,I hope you don't mind I use that word;-)-but I will give you the credit, b/c you cam up with it:-)) Their music is pretty awesome. You've probably heard of them b/c of the song "Jesus Freak". And to clear something up here(for some ppl anyways, like teachers at our school,lol),Jesus Freak is a GOOD thing..they take it to mean an ardent enthusiast! Hehe:-). But they are cool, and I can't wait til their solo albums come out:-)! Oh, and they are going to be playing at GMU in Fairfax, Va. in November and then at the Hershey arena!!!! I'm hoping I can go..just gotta get my mom to say yes! That'd be so totally awesome!

Group Pic

tobyMac-The Rap

That's Toby and his wife Amanda and their son Truett

Kmax-The Rock

Tait-The Soul

Click here to go to a really good dct site.