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The Past

You feel the molecules that make up your body reassert themselves as you reappear in front of a giant lavender castle that appears to be made of a type of sandstone. The castle is surrounded by a moat. You step back and gape in wonder at the castle's huge turrets, from which pegasi launch themselves into the air. You can hardly conceal your wonder.

"What are you doing?" asks a voice from behind you. You turn around to find yourself staring into the eyes of a pink pegasus. Her hair is a deep blue, and on her sides is the symbol of lightning.

"Windy sent me here," you answer.

"Windy? Hmmm. The only Windy I know of is the legendary one, but she and the other Rainbow Ponies haven't been seen in years. However, it is not impossible, because Windy controls time itself. Well, what are you doing here?"

"I don't know," you respond vaguely.

"Well, you could visit Vancura, the library. Applejack has many stories about our people there. She is definitely worth listening to."

"That sounds interesting," you begin to say but the pegasus cuts you off.

"You could also visit the hall of art, and see the artwork of the people. I don't know if they have much up now, but since Baby Graffiti's been around…"

"You could also ask Bubbles if you can view the files of all the residents, of course not everyone is a resident of Dream Valley. Dream Valley is known as the cross roads, because you can reach all the sects of Memoria from here. Residents from other places are also included in the profiles."

"Thank you," you say to the pegasus.

"Any time." She responds, and leaps into the air. "see ya 'round!" she calls out to you from the air, and flies off.

The Library

The Rainbow Temple

The Hall of Art

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