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Steffergees' Little Corner of the Internet
Links that do stuff!





Random Stuff

Bout Me

Jet's Horoscopes


Scary People

Album Reviews

Drawing Board

Affiliate Sites

Terrky's Guitar Club

The Most Useless Site Ever!

Toodle pip, everyone!

What I Updated

September 23rd, 2002
Hey all. I've decided to say (to this website, of course) "Screw this, I don't have any interest in it anymore." I'll leave everything up for posterity, but I will no longer update anything. May have an upcoming project though, which'll be the last thing for me to update.

It was great.


This one's for you.

Kory's Nugget O' Joy

there once was a little bunny whoo had no friends...........he never did find any so.......he curled up and died.......yes, he scrunched up into a little ball and his organs slowly decade.........he tried to hold his breath until he died but that just led to him passing out and waking up..........after he lost too many brain cells from passing out so much he became to stupid to hang or shoot he just wasted away, listening to all of the people he wished would be his friends play and frolic outside.................................once bunny was dead the people that wouldnt be his friends got really drugged up and they all died of brain failure.........then a comet crashed into earth..........many antelopes were injured...........THE END!!!

syd_highwind got their NeoPet at

Isn't my Poogle cuuuute?

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This page is best viewed with a computer..and an internet connection...and hey, a browser might be good too. Yeah, I think that's about it.
