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ICQ #100142815

Okay, well since you are at MY page i guess ya wanna know a little weeeee bit about me! Hmmmm where to start with my many many accomplishments? =Þ

ALEX WYATT works on a FARM! (no real reason for that statement but it does hold true)

How's about some backround info on the walking wonder we call ME. The name is Layla Staats. I have a 13 year old brother named Logan and a 10 year old sister Quinlan. My parents were obsessed with unique original names or something.

I wrestle. not the kind you see on WWF but real olympic style wrestling. I also play rugby for the Brantford Harlequins. I am a huge rugby fan and always cheer for Wales (if they aren't playing CANADA).. since i met the guys when they were on tour here. uMMMMM WELL not too much more to say about boring ol' me.
.. let's move on to the good stuff!


a page on STUFF
A page on more STUFF!
Guess what these are pics of.. WRESTLING!
a page on my Loving Brother and Sister *GAG*
PROM 2001!!! cHEck out these PICS!

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