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Hannah (Loony) Roony Spoony!

Hannah is our funky youth group (gigster), school friend and creche partner! She loves Top of the Pops, LIVERPOOL (NOT Manchester United) and funky English shows, such as Coronation Street! Hannah also loves little kids, hence why she works in the creche...she's a laugh and a half - ya gotta love her!

1. What is the true meaning of the word 'plush'? (which, by the way, is in our online dictionary!)

It's a toy. We ask her how this relates to the word 'NICE!'... Plush toys are nice. Hence, plush = nice!

2. Give me five words that describe the GiG.

Yellow, red, brown...OOH! Mr Martin has crashed into the corner! (what the?) and blue. Some people have red hair, some have brown, some have blonde (the yellow), some have black and one person had blue...once.

OK then...gimme ANOTHER five words that describe the GiG!

Nice (as in the word that means plush, not the biscuit!), sweaty, sweet, plush and WALLY!

3. Should they be called blackboys or grasstrees?

Blackboys. Yeah, because one hit me in the head. Really! Some girl at camp was hitting the head of a blackboy against a pole, and it flew off and hit me in the face!

4. Is the grass green, or are we all colour-blind?

I reckon the grass is blue actually. Everybody says the grass is green, but does everyone see the colour green the same way?

Hey, it got us thinking!

5. Are we the ones asking the questions, or are you starting to take over?

Nope, I'm asking myself questions and answering them, thankya!

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