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Star Wars - A Pilot Obsession

(C)Shadoedancer Creations 2k1

Mostly Written by Shelonei Chazalau
[Last Updated, 18-11-2k3]

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Here are links to some stories I've written as fanfiction in the Star Wars universe, created by George Lucas. I don't own any of the pilots you recognize from film or book, but there are a lot of original characters here. I do not recieve any money for this, so it'd be useless to sue me... you'd get nothing. I'm poor-er than dirt. (yes I have a website, but it's free, and whoever said you had to have money to access a computer huh?)

You can email Shelonei Chazalau by clicking there on me name :)


AGAINST TIME (12-5-2k3)

Against Time This is a saga written by myself and Vickie Boyd. It is unfinished. Much more HAS been written, but cannot be posted. Why? Because I refuse to post out of order if at all possible *grin*. Anyhow... enjoy, this saga is rather interesting, and I am not the only one who thinks so.


Stories by RAVEN PAN

Hidden Love -  Kyp muses over his past, and a secret love never to be revealed.
One | Two | Three |Four |Five |Six  |Seven |Eight |Nine |

Not Enough - A glimpse behind the mask of a pilot known for his jokes and laughter.

True Love - Ton had a True Love, once. Can True Love honestly conqure all things, or are some things just unconquerable?

A 'still holo' of Ton and his true-love.

Dream Gone Wrong A sequel to True Love, takes place on Folor Base, shortly before its destruction. WARNING: contains a graphic suicide.

Endless Enter the mind of a grieving commander. Each death is one too many.

Supposed To Some things happen, whether they're supposed to, or not.

Out of Reach
Just when he thought his life had a silver lining, the clouds appeared....

Unexpected Kindness A washout, rejected to become a part of the squadron who would soon be known as the Wraiths, wonders if this last rejection should really be the LAST rejection.



Episode XIV - Cutest Crossover Ever * This is a story I wrote from a chat session in #pilotchat on IRC. In the second header or so is a list of all the people (hopefully I didn't forget anyone) who contributed and the parts they 'played'. If you need a good laugh, trust me. You'll love it.

EPISODE XV - They say it's Shel's birthday. * My very FIRST fic! I wrote it when I was given all sorts of newbie gifts on Alt.Fan.Wedge - rather fun Terra-crossover.

EPISODE XVI - Shelonei's Bounty * This is a fic that was written in lieu of something that happened in Pilotchat. I must give fair warning, there is a paragraph that is quite explicitly gorey - so if you have a weak stomach..... well, don't bother with this. The jist? It's Bounty Time......

EPISODE XVII - Wes Janson's Nightmare * This is from a chat session in #pilotchat on IRC. I wasn't able to remember who all helped create it, but I know that Pecan, Majick, and I were definitely perpetrators.... If you need a good laugh, trust me. You'll love this also.



Oddity Schmoddity * A Filk just for Ton Phanan.

Bacta * A Filk just for Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian.


Terra Group: Defending the Earth from Our Own Imaginations Jedi Child Spaceport Shatterstar Cantina

Pilot Obsession A Star Wars Pilots Sim Group Webpage - the Sims are fun reading!.
