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My Diary

Cloud, I don't know if you'll ever read this. I don't where you are. I don't what's happened in your life. I don't know if you even remember me, but by the gods, I'm hoping you do. I've missed you more then anything these past few years. There's been so much in my life. There's been so much I've wanted to tell you. So much I've wanted to hear from you. I hope you remember me, because I know you've claimed a special place in my heart for the rest of my life. I'd give anything to be able to talk to you again. So, if you ever read this, please...e-mail me...IM me on aim or msn...I miss you more then anything.
Love, Riny. (P.S. I've been taking care of Baggs for you. ^^;;)

Thanks for visiting...This dates back to my first entry March 22, 1999. You'll more then likely notice changes in me, because I definitely have. Please whatever you do-don't laugh at me! Well, you can laugh at how I was but please don't come up to me and said oh you're stupid for this entry or whatever. I'll also update this everytime I write an entry...(Note: All my comments explaining things will be in italicize)
So here we go!

March 22, 1999
I went to my favorite chatroom,, today and I met this guy, cloud. He was really nice. He asked me if I had a boyfriend. I hope I can see him again. He's even nicer then mrpeach. He better get my e-mail! He's really nice. `Least we like the same game,

March 31, 1999
Mrpeach changed his name to Mr. Happy Pants. I'm really falling for cloud. We got a lot in common. mountain-dew said he sucked on cloud's d*** and my t**s. Yeah right. Then that stupid Jason (Jason's real screen name was Jason_Williams_55) said "Cloud and Aeris sitting in a tree"! After that he wanted a "truth". (A "truth" was a typo he made and refused to correct it.) I wish cloud could come to the Talent Show. I swear I saw him smiling in the audience. Even when I closed my eyes! He's even making me daydream in class and getting no sleep and dreaming about him when I do. I'm sooo mad I wish cloud could cheer me up.

April 1, 1999
April Fools day! Cloud finally spit it out! He likes me! Now I do have a boyfriend. It was hard. I actually had to guess it. Then I got him. Yes! The first one to get him in an April Fool's joke! We totally like each other!

April 2, 1999
Haha. Cloud's never failed to make me laugh or in a good mood. So sweet. Lisa was so annoying. Cloud stood up for me. I can really call him a boyfriend.

April 4, 1999
Today was Easter. I gotta remember to check: Date for FF8, Mystic Quest, FF5, FF6. I'm sure my best friends will check it. I got so much work to do! Maybe Cloud will want to help.

April 6, 1999
I get the stupidest assignments! I guess I won't be able to talk to cloud for a while. I really love him. I want to meet him. I wish I could hear his voice. Maybe...I wish Brett would a bunch of friends in my chat room. It'll get better, I hope.

April 10, 1999
The Talent Show was alright, but that's not what I made this diary for. It's for the internet. I've met a bunch of cool people in the chat room. I met cloud, tifa, mrpeach, Snip, Coolc, CLOUD-STRIFE, Cloud VII, and Mog. It's been a lot of fun. I can't wait until cloud can talk to me again. I miss him so much! No one can make me laugh like he can. It's hard to keep up a website! These two kids wouldn't stop bothering me. cheatexpert and I don't remember the other's. It's great if I have a friend in there. Bad-girl was being s**ual outloud. I asked her to just whisper and she told me I was gay. (Then I didn't understand why, but now I do. She must have interpreted it that I wanted her to whisper that to me. I meant it that I wanted her to whisper it to whoever wanted to hear it.) I said I wasn't, and Cloud VII said I wasn't either. Cloud will be my boyfriend, I've already decided that. Everyone else is a friend.

April 11, 1999
Nothing much today. Cloud would love it, but he won't be back for a while. I've gotten in 5 chat fights! Bridget's stupid. I always have friends in there. Wish he could be there. I truely love him. If he gets another girlfriend, I'll be his best friend. He's the coolest!

April 13, 1999
Yeah! Cloud just got back! I'm so happy! We had the same feeling about each other. I love him!

April 14, 1999
I saw Cloud in the chat room. He's really the coolest. Badd A's so stupid. Next time I see him I'll trip him and knock his lights out. Cloud better be there for that! Badd A hit Cloud in the ribs when he wasn't there. I jabbed him in the ribs and called him stupid.
That's when he tripped me.

April 15, 1999
Cloud-sweet, wonderful, cool, great. I don't care what everyone else says about Cloud. I love him, and he loves me. I-love-AERIS called me a slut. Haha. Cloud will never let me be sad. He'll never let me blame myself for something. He cheered me up from what happened at the Talent Show. (At the Talent Show that year in 6th grade, I did a clarinet piece with two other girls who played the clarinet. But for some reason my clarinet would only play 3 notes, A, G, and B flat, so I was in an icky position). I guess this is what whoever up there wanted. What other awesome things can I say about him? He kissed me like 20 times. (Yes go ahead and laugh, to me it was the biggest thing in the world heh -_-') Guess he loves me. I LOVE HIM!

April 17, 1999
Cloud must really care. I told him I've been depressed; he cheered me up! Man, he dragged me into the pool. How much of a better boyfriend can you ask for? (Heh, Liz you were stupid. This is embarassing for me!) I wish during the summer I could go down to his house. That would be the bomb! Then he could come up to my house! Tara (You'll know her better as Terra for future reference) will really like him! But he's My BoYfRiEnD! Hahaha. He put me in the best mood ever. What else can I say? I was insane by the time I left it! I'm not depressed at the moment. I won't on Monday or anything!

April 18, 1999
Stupid kid can't leave me alone. I'm beyond mad, and sad. I feel horrible! I don't like putting cloud in these situations. Hope he doesn't feel overwhelmed. He doesn't like it when I'm upset. Not even telling me, it seems he has everything planned out. HBK (Heartbreak-kid) and I fought a lot. Then when he left he said "I love you all, especially Aeris" What a moron! Tara met SID. I'll kill her if she embarasses me. I hope to see cloud tomorrow night.

April 19, 1999
Wow, tonight was a night to remember! I got everyone in the pool Then Tara kept blowing up the place. Then someone immitated Tara, which made all the energy come out. (As most of you know, my anger controlling is not one of my best traits. Recently I've been able to manage my anger, but a couple years back my anger would build up inside of me and then when I became extremely upset-Watch out!) Then they would 'sacrifice' people, which I tried to stop. I was outta control. Cloud's like wow she's dangerous. He's the coolest! He frenched kissed me. Hehe. I was attacking everyone. I attacked Tessa cause I thought she imitaded Tara. They couldn't calm me down! I was choking coppy-all cause he called me s**y, which I really don't like. Cloud said I was. I told him that it was OK for him, but not for coppy-all. I kept choking him and told him to die. Cloud finally pulled me off and told everyone that "we realize you hate him and want him to die." I broke loose and did it again. He got back and wouldn't let go. Undertaker and Badd A attacked him. I threatened them and they were both sorry. I tossed cloud Knights of the Round telling him he might need it. Badd A wanted to choke coppy-all. I told him cloud was in control of him when I left. What's going on in my mind? Thank god for cloud. We belong with each other. I think I might change my screen name to Elisa. I like that name a lot.

April 22, 1999
I was hyper. Cloud doesn't think I'm a total nut-which is good. He said not to worry, he said. "Why would I think you're crazy? So what if you're different? I'm the guy who loves you." How sweet! I was saying all these crazy things from South Park. There are too many groups! I'm staying out of them. I said MoD s***s and Undertaker got mad at me. I love cloud! I wish he could go on everynight! I also need to put the poem here. (This is the poem...)

April 24, 1999
I wasn't in the chatroom much today. I joined this really cool thing. It's Final Fantasy Dreams. You make up chapters and characters. The whole page ( is really cool. I love it. Good thing CoolC told me about it! I need to print out that map. Elisa has the power to change the weather. Tara is Bryce's older sister. Bryce is Elisa's boyfriend. Nancy is Elisa's care taker. Madeline is Tara's best friend. I really enjoy this! (Check FFD out for!)

April 26, 1999
This is strange. Me and cloud had a baby some how. It was weird. I was going crazy again. cloud still doesn't think I'm a total nut. Haha. I'm like "That's a bad cloud! I smack ya on the head!" He laughed. He's cool.Someone imitated me and called cloud a homo. I hope he really doesn't think it was me...

April 27, 1999
Well, cloud wasn't in but I had Elisa and Aeris. I was fighting myself. It was pretty fun. I need to figure out where to put the map and all that stuff. A nice guy named X-pac lives in MA too. (Unfortunately, I never saw him again...)

April 28, 1999
(Warning:This is extremely embarassing, but I'm going to show you guys anyway...just skip it if you want)
Cloud and me are closer then ever. It was like that dream I had. I feel secure with him now. It's like that "You need to love like you'll never get hurt'...He covered me wih kisses too. Then he said he was misunderstanding everything, So I said "You misunderstand this? *frenches him*" He stumbled and said "No, I got that right!" I totally like him!

May 2, 1999
Cloud is really cool. He wasn't in, but there was a chat fight! I had fun. Ice-Princess is good to fight with. So is Badd, A, though we're pretty good friends. I was fighting a lot.
I hope Terra won't do it again! (When I meant that, she had come in as cloud-Aeris-baby the night before. Kind of silly hmm?)

May 3, 1999
Cloud really does care. I never need to worry. He's gonna be gone for 3 months. He seemed like I would want to break up. I told him 3 months, I could stand it! I didn't want to break up with him unless he wanted to. He told me no and just thought it'd be too long for me.I would wait an eternity for him. I just love him too much. I couldn't just leave like that. I'll never forget that fear and panic in my heart. Never. (Unfortunately I've never forgotten it...)

May 4, 1999 (Actually in my diary I wrote "3/4/99" I was pretty upset...)
I've gotta calm down. Christina is such a jerk! I'd swear at her, but I'm keeping this as clean as can be. Christina keeps saying I'm interferring with her and cloud. Poor CLOUD-STRIFE. he thought we were talking about him. It was kinda funny. What a beep! She ever a jerk to Terra! And I was imitated again. I feel so sorry for cloud. What am I gonna do those 3 months he's gone if I can't take care of things for a day he isn't there?

May 5, 1999
What can I say? I'm like a normal girl who's charmed by love. I don't think Christina will bother us again, I hope. Cloud said "Well, there's a first time for everything, and it's not always good." What does that mean? (To this day, I'm still confused as to what he means...) I'm confused. I can't believe he likes me short temper. He said he likes everything about me. I don't think he knows everything about me. Don't worry about it girl, it''s OK.

May 6, 1999
I'm so afraid. I know I sorta made this for the internet, but I'm afraid of Brett. He said he was gonna take over the world like Adolf Hitler, and was gonna kill me and Terra. Cloud told me to be careful. Thank god for him! I hope I'll be OK. I'm so scared! Please protect me and everyone in the school!(Yes...I know that the chances of Brett taking over the world are unlikely, but that doesn't mean he still couldn't kill me. But I got nervous whenever someone mentioned Hitler, even now it still worries me. I know it's in the past, but part of me IS Jewish.)

May 7, 1999
Well, Brett was just joking. I know what cloud said to Christina now. He walked up to her face and said softly "You know you should try having a temper it's so s**y. He meant me...Wow. He thought I was mad. Something worrying him, hope it's nothing too bad....

May 10, 1999
I feel like an idiot! cloud thinks I really don't love him! WAHHHHH!!!!! I'm crying. God help me! What can I do to prove to him? I'd do anything to prove I love him. ANYTHING!!!! My life is truely falling apart.

May 12, 1999
I'm ok now. I begged for forgiveness. He said he should've been the one begging. I really think he was changing his mind a lot. (This thought came from the fact that day at school I felt times I clung to him and times I stepped away from him in my imagination. Who knows if this is true, but it's what I believe.) Rosa would've gotten him GOOD!!! My world's a little brighter now. THANK GOD!!!!

May 17, 1999
Cloud cares so much. He kept trying to cheer me up. I can't believe I told him what I like him doing.(Yes another silly Liz naiveness alert -_-') The kissing and the hugging;I love that! I sang part of "A little more time on you" to cloud. He said I should be the one it should be sung to. he's the one who has to put up with me and he sad it's all worth it!! I think he likes the kissing too. I told him and he said that he can give me all the hugs and kisses I could need. It does let me know he cares though. (Naiveness alert over -_-'...)

May 19, 1999
I'm so upset! D*** those people at cheatplanet! Wo do they think they are taking away passwords? Now I can't tell whether cloud's really in there or not. D*** that Jason! He's the one who did that! Ugh! I know how now. It's not fair! He came in as cloud, asked me what my name is forgetting, then was on as my name left and came back then said about the other girl. Oh god, I fall for everything! D*** it all to hell!!!!!

May 20, 1999
Well, cloud didn't mean it because it wasn't him. So cloud hurt his rib and then we started arguing about FF7. I told him I beat the game 5 times. He said that wasn't the point. I then asked what was the point. he said "Ummm...This! *french kiss*" I said "You know you just lost" and he said "Yeah I already lost to your charm." He's awesome. Then later he totally siked me. He climbed up the cheatplanet tower. I held him back a bit because he said he was going to jump into the pool. He said he hurt his rib again and needed help to the pole. I helped him and he tied me and jumped in. I slumped into a chair and said I didn't know this guy. He's like "You don't know me?" and then he flung his shirt at me getting me wet. So then I just jumped in.
I'm always in my best mood when I'm in nature!

May 21, 1999
I don't know whether it's funner with or without the passwords. Cloud came in with a capital C, then another person came in as cloud. Cloud told the other one that he was the real cloud and they kept switching back and forth over and over again. When I came back from being on the phone, Ramza said "over here". At that time I had no idea who he was so I said "Do I know you?" he replied with "*french kiss* A clue." I got it after who he was. I got disconnected and Dad said to get off. I'll write this dream I had...I think he was confusing me more then the hacker. No, I KNOW he was confusing me more.

May 24, 1999
Breakup. Over. Whatever you want to call it. Cloud doesn't love me anymore. Why'd he do that to me? I loved him with all my heart! Rosa just said he wouldn't talk about it. I thought he care! Wahhh! One light left. This one won't go out, Terra. She cares too much. It's not fair. I saw the Talent Show and I remembered the love I had for him. I almost started crying in front of my dad. Should I tell my parents? How can I bring myself to?

May 25, 1999
The hurt deep won't for away for a while. Me and Cloud-Strife started talking, but then I had to go. Mog's gonna try to help me to learn to read some whispers. I hope so! (Heh, I have more morals now worry not.)I got in as Rydia too! LOL!

May 26, 1999
Cloud couldn't be back as my boy friend. BUT WE ARE FRIENDS!!! And..PASSWORDS!!! Mine's clarinet. (Rather was...)

June 4, 1999
Man, I am lost on my eGroups thing. I found this chatroom for Egroup and I talked with Jeshep. I kept acting like Homer, going D`oh over and over again. Then I brought him into cheatplanet. cloud was in and he's been so depressed. How can I help him? The poor thing.....

June 8, 1999
Badd A wants to start dating with me. I couldn't believe how he acted when I told him OK. He said thank you like a million times. It doesn't feel right. I hope cloud'll be cool. I hope this works out...

June 9, 1999
Forget Badd A. What did he want? Bragging rights? Well I'm gonna dump him. (It's interesting to note I didn't see him for monthes after the 8th) I love cloud so much! He kissed me again...I think he feels the same way. I'm so sad. It's the same feeling as if he had just broken up with me.get a hold of yourself! But how? I can't let go. HELP ME!

June 10, 1999
Just when I think it's all right, my life is ruined! I love cloud with all my heart...still. What do I do? I feel like shooting myself. FOR REAL! Please cloud....

June 12, 1999
Chris the Cool and me really liven up the chat room. I was talking about my demented pets. I didn't get to talk to cloud much. Oh god! What did I do?

June 13, 1999
ROSA! Why? People cared! Why wasn't it noticed? What was cloud doing? D***IT! I can't concentrate!
(My friend Rosa...died of cancer June 9th, 1999. May she always rest in peace...)

June 14, 1999
I didn't think so many people didn't have a heart! Chris the Cool stole my password into He changed it too! Why? He's going to read all my e-mail! Now he knows about Terra too! Oh S***! I wish cloud could cheer me up. We both really love each other still. Help! Rosa!

June 16, 1999
Oh Rosa...Terra...Everything now is so precious to me. I didn't think I could play in gym today. Rosa made me. I'm ready to break down in tears! Rosa's real name is actually Nicole, but we called her Nikki. (Let me explain, In her family once they were 10 they could choose their own little nickname that they would call her and friends would call her. She chose Rosa...I don't know why but she liked that name...A lot...) Poor Julie. She's only 8 and she's going through this. I need to talk to cloud. I still love him! Christ the Cool won't give me my password. I need support-bad!! Rosa, please forgive me!
What was I born in this cruel world?
Why do I feel so depressed and neglected?
My life, if it is one, is a jumbled up mess. I need even a little support, If cloud was in IRL, he'd probably put his arm around me and kiss me...if we were still together...

June 19, 1999
I WILL become a someone! people have faith! Tabatha, Hooch, Tarot-Mage, and Jet-(Something else but I forget!)! Thank you! Hooch brought it up. He said "Wait until Aeris becomes the President of the US!" This gives me strength. If only I can give some to Terra. I will become President!

June 21, 1999
Now I have a bronze dragon, Zard. He will become strong! Skysong is his mommy until we can go back to Pern. I have to make sure that Morphix does not harm Zard. This could become a war. We have many people and dragons to support us. Maybe I shouldn't have been so rude to Skysong. I will let cloud have a dragon.

June 22, 1999
Zard is an amazing dragon! He can use the powers good and the stars! He has all the Records of the Ancients imprinted into his memory! Maybe now we can clear this up with Skysong! He's only a day old, and he's like a 4 month old. He can fly!

June 25, 1999
Terra's sleeping over this weekend. We got out of school today! I want to write a real story. But I already have writers block!

July 2, 1999
Summer's about half over. Cloud should be coming back! In the chat, I got this funny, funny website! It's supposed to be Jarassic Park, but it's FF7. I HAVE to find out who wrote that! I'm going to put it on my webpage. (*coughwishfulthinkingcough*)hehehehe. Can't wait for cloud to see it. Hehehehehehe.

July 3, 1999
:( I miss cloud soooo much.

July 6, 1999
The enemy: Rev-Maynard's evil group.
My allies: Cloud-Strife, ROCK, Yaksha, Terra.
The object: To destroy Rev and gogo.

I'm a leader! I can do this! I'll unite our group! Gogo spied on our meeting. I can't think of one of my friends betraying me. Rev thought I was his queen. He's a dead duck! If gogo hadn't spied, I could've had the element of surprise. I'll show that d*** beep who I really am. I'm a fighter. I'll protect not just my people...but everyone!

July 7, 1999
Everyone was for it. I'm not too keen on it. To form a group...I just don't know what we should call it! I'm not worried about that. New memebers: Locke, Celes, Elena, Luckyboy. 9 people. Guess I had better thing of a name. Maybe Protectors? Gotta run it by everyone.

July 8, 1999
Cloud's home until next Wednesday. I still love him, but he doesn't feel the same way. I am hurt, lost, and confused. If I lose cloud I'll kill myself. I don't have much strength! GOD PLEASE GIVE ME SOME! I WILL keep these words in my heart:
"You are no accident to me..."
Cloud told me that.

July 11, 1999
I am alone in this cruel world. Well except for Terra. I told lucky to take care of Joy and not to leave her stranded, He told me he'll take care of her. I'm so afraid, lost, and confused. What do I do?
I have Chris's e-mail password. What comes around goes around!

July 14, 1999
Bless Tabatha's soul! She cares about me a lot. :) I've been so happy! Celes is on vacation. We were at a party and Tabatha got me into everything. She's a best friend-for sure!

July 15, 1999
Wow. I can't believe myself. I have a crush on HBK. I remember when we used to fight. Well, that was when he was "drunk" Cloud-Strife has a secret materia he won't tell me. Oh god. It better not be Meteor!

July 16, 1999
Oh my god! I can't believe it! HBK likes me too. Even Ice could see it between us! Was it that obvious? Ice tried to tell him, but HBK didn't believe her. But he did believe me. He's kind of my master. I'm learning the ways of the jedi. HBK is a Jedi Master. I remember when we used to fight and hate each other. I'm in heaven. He's teaching me much. Ice is sick. She took HBK's lightsaver and cut his belt and then my shirt. HBK didn't know so he played along with it. So he was like "Is it drafty to anyone else?" I laghed. Then when Ice pushed me toward him we both realized what she was doing. I put a jacket on and HBK pulled up his pants.
I want to know what was up with wish-master. He told me I was the chosen one and I was to die. Cloud 21 (You'll later know him as Squall--Leonhart then shortened to Squall) was so sweet. He was going to die for me. He said "I watched her die once, and I won't again." I was trying to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't listen.

July 17, 1999
Oh my god! Me and HBK were hacking Chris the Cool. It was so fun! First I went on his name, then invited HBK on. Chris (me) said "Hit me with a baseball bat!" The HBK said "Can I?". Chris (me) said yes. Then HBK hit him with the bat. Then Chris (him) said Home run! Then Chris (me) said bye bye head! The whole time I was laughing. I like HBK, but it seems like he doesn't like me least he doesn't show it...
JFK Jr.'s plane went down. my parents say they're dead. I pray they aren't. (As I'm sure you're aware of, him and the passengers on his plane died. The next morning my local radio station, WKLB 99.5 then dedicated a song by Tim McGraw, called "Please remember me." May they always rest in peace.)

July 18, 1999
:) Me and HBK are really good together. UCF-Link threw a party. For the first 15 minutes, HBK stayed away from the bar. After that he wouldn't stay away. At first he went up and got a couple of Buds. I went up. I got one and drank it. Then he as like that was mine. Hehehe. It was fun. I saved a Bud for him and when he came back I gave it to him. Then we went in the Millenuim Falcon. We went through an astroid field. We had to land because the hyper drive failed. HBK fixed it and we landed at Rebel Alliance. No one was there. Anakin (Who is a girl FYI) had to leave. People wanted to kill me. What else is new? HBK protected me. I was really nervous. HBK swore when he had to go. Then me, Cloud21, and gogo went on a journey, but we couldn't finish it. The oholics are back. Pikablu33 likes me.

July 19, 1999
When I went into CP, HBK was drinking. He tried to hide it. Then there was the muchkin people. Then PsYkO came in. She ruined the night. Naturally we were fighting. PsYkO has my IP#. She said many people wanted me banned! Because I pick fights? HBK was trying to calm me down. I was just thinking about who would wat me out. I guess HBK can talk with Polaris to get me unbanned if I got banned. It still hurts thought. They should be banned with what they put me through. I want to report Chris sooooo bad!

July 20, 1999
Terra dared me to, so I kissed HBK. he laughed. I think it helped him heal from the ewok attack. Then we went to Nin (Ninworld) for a minute. It really s***s. I'm never going back there. (heh...) Then we went to Hoth, the ice-planet. We had to get plans to build a new base. This one was destroyed. There was a wire. It jumped at me and wrapped around HBK's neck. We finally got it off. Then I kissed him again. Tomorrow we gotta try to do the campfire!

July 21, 1999
Ewok-Princss came in. Me, Anakin, and Terra tried fighting her. HBK came in. He got his hand cut off. Then we had a campfire. HBK was really drunk. I was roasting a marshmellow and it was on fire. I was making HBK laugh. The fire was talking to me. It said something like test, jedi, ready, Aeris. The Dark Side then tried to consume me. Not this heart! Before HBK left I wondered if I should do Terra's dare again. HBK SAID GO AHEAD!!! I was laughing a lot...

July 22, 1999
I am SO sick of Nin chat! Cheatplanet finally made a move. They will be banned! It's been boring, I like HBK. Zomboy was attacking him!

July 24, 1999
Why do people love to bug me? I'm telling you, I'm not putting up with it!
Kim (A girl at my school) has luekemia. It is hard to believe. I am shocked. But I know me, in a little while I'll be crying. In fact, it's started. (Actually, there was a slight misinformation there from my mother to me. It was actually Kim's mother who had Luekemia. She died last year. Another sweet soul lost. May she forever rest in peace...)

July 25, 1999
I've been keeping myself busy by thinking up things for the chat. I fixed Blood's old bar and added a dance floor. We had a bar fight. The place is really messed up now. Me and Kero Kero have keys to it. I hope I can trust her!

July 26, 1999
I am so afraid I have lost HBK. He has not been in since Thrusday. It worries me. I am not myself. I was drinking a lot. I told Lucky. He told me he would come back and to relax.

July 27, 1999
Still no sign. I have to talk to Terra for Lucky. He likes Terra and vice versa. Hopefully it'll work. Me on the other hand....Please come back HBK!

July 28, 1999
Cloud is back for a little bit. We were joking around. I chucked a soda can at him. He grabbed me and threw me into the pool. I am really upset so afraid that HBK's gone. Never to return. It breaks my heart. It'll be horrible if he never comes back OR if he does and forgets about me. :( (As unrealistic as it seems, cases like that weren't uncommon back at CP. You wouldn't believe how many hearts were broken...)

July 20, 1999
Sigh. HBK was at camp. We did some major renovations to my bar. My bar is still the same, but we knocked out the wall, added a hallway, and made a hotel. The hotel is called Heartbreak Hotel. HBK'll be taking care of that. My bar, grill, and dance, might be called Aeris's Catina...I might be downloading Aim hopefully. (I've had Aim downloaded for a while. If you wish to instant message me, you can do so using nancymiceli. That's my screen name.)

August 4, 1999
We had a BIG chatfight, and I started it. Ewok was in and I said ewok's are evil. My hand now bleeds like crazy. Cloud was fighting a it with Cloud-Strife, but other then that he was mostly laughing. ewok nearly killed me, if it wasn't for HBK I'd be dead. I really have to tell him thank you. I owe him my life.

August 5, 1999
Yet another chatfight, and I was still weak. my hand still hurts. I casted a special shield, I recovered though. HBK's leg got stuck under ROCK-RPINCE's rock throw. We ended up in the hospital. I was spaced out for a bit. As soon as I could get up (even if I was dragging myself along) I got HBK to lay down. I made a special potion for him. I didn't know how it tasted. HBK liked it though. He was like "BUBBLE GUM!" before he left he kissed me, and I kissed him back. After that it was boring. On 4/18/99 entry, I wrote how much I hated him. WOW TIMES CHANGE. I've been laughing at the whole different tune between us!

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AIM: nancymiceli