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    Tuesday 11/05/02 - Ho humm

    Boredom sets in. OHH GOD NOO!!! Anyways, this Friday I get to goto Indy for a band competition. So that means another insane bus ride full of pictures, sleep, and ....umm sleep! I'm trying to set up a contract with a friend that wants me to build him a computer so that should be fun OHH AND MY B-DAY IS IN 25 DAYS!!! Lols. I think imma go burn some cd's now.


    Friday 6/22/01 - !PLEASE READ THIS!

    I am very sorry but due to the lack of time that I have and the sevear loss of people comming to my site I have come to a decision. I am going to stop updating the Realms. List Bot and the E-mail server are no more. Nothing will be active except for allready posted stuff and links that are allready there. I am very sorry but i couldn't see a reason to keep updating it. Stay strong and keep writing.

    Monday 4/7/01 - Welcome to the most frightening place and the most comforting place that I can provide...

    Let me be the first to humbly welcome you to my site. I put alot of hard work into writing these poems and creating this site. I soely created this site in a futal attempt to share my life with you. If you enjoy poetry please stay...if you don't I hope I will draw you into the art of poetry. Since I don't have alot of links all around, tell your friends to come if you please, for it's all better if were all together in the end. -Romeo-

    Thursday 5/3/01 - I'm Back!!!

    Heya people! Been awhile hasn't it? Well my computer has had a virus and that virus has been deleating almost everything it could get its nasty little hands on. But it didn't touch my Realm files! Anyways I've also been grounded (yup you heard that right). Anyways I'm back and updating a whole lot! Also SIGN MY GUEST BOOK and VOTE ON THE POLL!!! I need everybodys help to keep this site up by knowing your out there!

    Thursday 5/10/01 - New Galleries!

    I have added some pictures from a band trip I recently went on. There pretty crazy pictures and will probably explain a little more how my everyday life is...very strange...Anyways enjoy! Also I would like to ask you to pray for my friend Stephen. His house recently burned down and now he is left with very little. Nobody was hurt but please pray for him as he goes through some hard times.

    Saturday 5/19/01 - Major Updates!

    Well I finnaly have seemed to work out some bugs that were in my original coding! Lets see here I fixed the Message Board. The client I was using didn't like me. I changed the message board to a forum now. (Much better) I added some new scrpits to make the site load faster and I added a program that generates me more traffic. (Very complicated) I also added a scrolling bar at the bottom. (I don't think it works due to a bug but if it does or doesn't work send me an e-mail)Byes for now!

    Thrusday 5/24/01 - Get Your New E-mail Addy Here!

    Well now due to a bit of surfing you can now get you e-mail address Isn't that great! Well I hope you guys click on the yellow button to the left of yas and get a brand spankin new e-mail addy!

    Friday 5/25/01 - Summer! Run Away?

    Well it's summer! Finnaly! Well useually you would think hey its summer, alot of new updates should be comming. Well guess what! Your wrong! I'm going to be gone quite a bit. But when I get my gready hands on a comp or I finnaly figure out how to update telepathicly then I'll update. (Might wanna bet that I'd update telepathicly first.) But whatever! I also updated the site with and now you can access my site at Ok I gotta go!

    Sunday 6/03/01 - *Mutter* I hate this!!!

    As it seems the updates and typos and such that I corrected a few hours earlier well vanished. Unless I fell asleap on the keyboard (Which might have happened) then I'm sure I updated some things! Ahhh well! Whatever! Anyway I addedd a new quote to the front page. (I think it was time) and also I'm thinking about taking the poll from the main page and adding it to a section entitled...get this...Polls! Also I think I might start a quote section. Also if your interested in what I posted earlier (Its not that important) Then e-mail me! I'm real desprate for more e-mails! (Really I am! All I get now are those annoying get out of dept now spams) Anyway its 12:14 and all is well!

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    This Page was made by "Romeo". All poems were created in his mind and wrote down by himself. I'm not asking you to not copy them and call them your own but I ask you do not intrude on others property. Thank you.

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