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**Welcome to BHF Animations - Take a look around**

Welcome to my BHF Animation page. Below you will find any animations I've done. Check them out, and if you have any comments on them, please feel free to contact me.

1. Superplex to outside through 2 tables - View

2. Piledriver off ladder through table followed by elbow drop - View

3. Chokeslam off ladder into dumpster followed by a bulldog through a table - View

4. Belly-to-belly suplex from ring to table outside - View

5. Blue Thunder from top of cell onto piano - View

6. Implant DDT off steps onto trash can - View

7. Running Suplex Slam through a table - View

8. Twisting Driver off top of cell through 2 tables - View

I would just like to say thanks to the people at for helping me out with my animations. If anyone would like to start animating go there. They will get you on your way.

Bored? Looking for something stupidly stupid? Then head on over to Ooh, how queer!