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Hola! Como te llamas??? Guess what, kids! I'm redoing my website! YAY! Hehe. no one cares...that's okay...I hate you all anyway. I need to refresh my poor HTML skills that I haven't used in forever and a day.

4/3/04 (1:49 AM):

*Update: I have nothing better to do with my life because people like to sleep for some reason...I don't understand it. So I have decided to redo my website and make much needed changes...even though no one was visiting my site in the first place...but someone might one day! And they'll be like, "What the hell? This chick hasn't updated since like...2002!". so yeah.....whatever.

*Please Note: It will be a while until I get everything up and running. I should have at least the shoutouts!*
*Also Note: It might take a while for me to get my artwork posted...scanner problems...It's not my scanner for one thing! Heh ^_^;;*

Stuff on my page:

My Shoutout Page!

My Links Page!

Funny Photo Page!

My Bio!
Just who is this crazy freak???

My strange writings

Quiz Results
See all the results from online quizzes I've taken!

My online journal!