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Psychic Vampiress's Lair

Welcome to my lair.

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You stand at the top of a moonlit hill, in the middle of what would be a grassy pasture if it were anything but winter. As it is, your feet crunch in several inches of fresh snow. A chill winter wind whips your cloak around and behind you, the clasp pulling into your throat as if pulled by malicious sprites. The lantern in your hand flickers, almost blowing out. You take no notice of the wind or the lack of light, since the moon above the trees is full. Pine trees sway in the increasing wind and moonlight is suddenly reflected back at you in thousands of owl eyes.

Out of the shadows thrown by the trees walks a young woman. Her hair is a dark golden streaked with brown. Her eyes glow green like the owls' eyes that surround her in the trees. Her green dress is a simple thing, with long, wide sleeves. The right one is pushed back to allow for a leather cuff. Perched on the cuff is a snowy owl, white with grey smatterings. Though it is winter, the woman wears no shoes and no cloak. She stops at the opposite side of the hill from you and curtsies. You return the respect and you notice the wings that protrude from the woman's back. They are feathered, mainly white with grey interspersed in random patterns. "Lady?" you inquire of her.

"Greetings to thee, wanderer of the night. Welcome to Eyrith. I am Oreahna. These woods are my dwelling, the owls my warmth. Within the woods you can find all sorts of things, with the right guidence"

She beckons you closer so you may speak with more ease. You oblige her and she unfolds her wings. She motions you to set your lantern on the snow and she whistles one sharp note. Owls flock overhead and settle their talons into your clothing and lift you above the tree tops. She flies alongside you and points out the different parts of the forest.

"From the hill- under which is my lair- you can go to the Star Realms, to the Well of Words, or to the Dragon Faerie's Library." She points to a stone circle, a stone walled well, and to a small, well built wooden building, respectively.

"Should you choose to look other places and loose your way, call on any of the creatures in the forest. I cannot safely say they will all pay heed and assist you. The owls, faeries, wolves, dragons, bears, gryphons, pegasus, cats and ravens all have agreed to assist travellers. You may not be so lucky if you ask help from the snake. I wish you luck on your questing and bid you leave for now."

She curtsies in midair and and spirals downward, to disappear back into the shadows of the pines. The owls take you back to the hillside where you first met her and set you gently back down. You crouch down to pick up the lantern and notice your feet are settled within the footprints you left when you flew away with the owls. Your laughter rings in the sudden stillness that was left upon your return. You choose a path and walk off, searching for the places the Lady mentioned.

You choose the path leading to:
  • The Star Realms
  • The Well of Words
  • The Dragon Faerie's Library
  • Visit Oreahna's Earth page (pertaining to her Earth-self)
  • The Fortress
  • The Asheville School- Christ School 2001

  • Wait, you're paranoid. You want to know who Oreahna and all these other nutty creatures are before you trust their directions.
  • The X-Files... Jessy's friends

  • The Credit & Webring Page

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